


kent watari

The teapot was broken

Boiled water broke it

It was a sad happening for me than usual

Her body temperature is higher than me

Until then, I didn't notice that mine is lower than her

I didn't notice the sky is blue

I didn't notice the water is clear

I didn't notice the smoke is white

I didn't notice the tomato is red

The teapot was broken

Boiled water broke it

It was a sad happening for me than usual

Her body temperature is higher than me

Until then, I didn't notice that mine is lower than her

  • 作詞

    kent watari

  • 作曲

    kent watari


kent watari の“hotwater”を


ストリーミング / ダウンロード

kent watari's 1st album.

Vocal, Lyrics, Composition, Arrange, Mix, Mastering: kent watari
Artwork: comuramai

