Pink Sunset Front Cover

Pink Sunset

Track List

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"A song that makes you realize what you want to cherish."

The theme is an inner dialogue with the world spelled out with overwhelming singing ability and delicate expressions.
This is a song created by artist KIMIKA from his own experience in Los Angeles. On the way home after work, I was inspired by the pink sunset seen from inside the car and wrote the lyrics.
I couldn't take good care of my loved ones every day when I was busy. He left himself behind. He was surprised that he didn't even notice himself.
The world is covered with corona, the relationship with people is weakening, and even the time with loved ones is not taken.
What do you value and want to live?
I made a song about the scenery and feelings that made me realize the feelings in my heart.
KIMIKA now. It's a song sung with her life-sized emotions. The trembling of her heart is transmitted by the harmony of the stringed instruments that are layered on top of each other.
At the end of the song at 3:35, pay attention to her heartfelt cry that conveys her determination to face her loved one.

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    渋谷109のアパレル店員からレディ・ガガとの共演までを果たした今注目のシンガーKIMIKA。 KIMIKAは2018年に元々アパレル店員として働いていた渋谷109が主催する「109路上ライブ」で優勝。その後、動画配信サイトなどで音楽を発信し続け、2018年LINE LIVE主催の映画「アリー / スター誕生」スターダムオーディションで見事に優勝。主演のレディー・ガガとラスベガスで感動の対面も果たし、KIMIKAの歌にガガが涙するシーンはテレビでも大きく話題になった。 歌唱力を評価されBeverlyのバックコーラスや、多くの楽曲の仮歌など行ってきた。2017年、代々木第一体育館で行われたTOKYO GIRLS MUSIC FESTIVAL 2017での最終審査では1万人の大観衆を圧巻のパフォーマンスで魅了し大喝采を浴びグランプリ獲得。洋楽を中心としたカバーと30曲以上のオリジナル楽曲を持ち、ライブや配信などを中心に活動。 主なテレビ出演歴 関ジャニ∞のTheモーツァルト 音楽王No.1決定戦 THE カラオケ★バトル

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