Stardust Front Cover




We're going from here

I finally made it this far

Even now there are times

Sometimes I wonder

If I was right

It's always been that way

Even if I fall, I've tried again

Don't worry about your back

The road we walk

On is always dark

I will take it back

I'm gonna shake it out

I ain't gonna fall behind

Cause we've got the light

I will stay alive

In this big loud

I believe in all

Because it's a fight

Against destiny

Even if there is a storm

And my eyes are hidden

In mystery

You are never fighting alone

Cause we crossed the sky

And came this far

I bet everything on this night

We are go back Stardust


Sometimes I get lost

And lose sight

Of the meaning of fight

Tell me you believe in me

Only then can I face my enemies

If I stay in despair any longer

I'm afraid I'll break

You can save me from here

Take me high again

I believe in all

Because it's a fight

Against destiny

Even if there is a storm

And my eyes are hidden

In mystery

You are never fighting alone

Cause we crossed the sky

And came this far

I bet everything on this night

We are go back Stardust


I will take it back

I'm gonna shake it out

I ain't gonna fall behind

Cause we've got the light

I will stay alive

In this big loud

I believe in all

Because it's a fight

Against destiny

Even if there is a storm

And my eyes are hidden

In mystery

You are never fighting alone

Cause we crossed the sky

And came this far

I bet everything on this night

We are go back Stardust


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Stardust Front Cover

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2022 12/2 Arclipse UNIFIED - Stardust

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