Squirt like a fountain Front Cover


Squirt like a fountain

Agent K

Squirt like a fountain

High like a mountain

Got money need an accountant

Put you in a coffin

I’m cute like a Kitten

Wanna be bitten?

Best thing to be written

This rhymes I be spitting

Bless me

I’m playing game pigeon

You’re Bitchin

Suck my chin chin

Now you’re licking

In the kitchen

I like Switching

Look at my pitching

You’re not hitting

Squirt like a fountain

High like a mountain

Got money need an accountant

Put you in a coffin

I’m cute like a Kitten

Wanna be bitten?

Best thing to be written

This rhymes I be spitting

Bless me

  • Lyricist

    Agent K

  • Composer

    Agent K

Squirt like a fountain Front Cover

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    Squirt like a fountain

    Agent K


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Agent K
