吾輩はチーズである 香りで世界を魅了する
ほんのりミルキーで ネズミも寄ってくる
だけど ちょっと待て そんなに簡単じゃないんだぜ
湿った蔵の奥から 密やかに歌うアイドルさ
ブルーもゴーダも カマンベールもいい
ワインに寄り添う姿に 大人は夢中
「熟成してなんぼ」で みんな円熟めざすけど
吾輩は我の道を征く 秘密のカビでダンス
ねっとりと まったりと 舌に溶ける
ほら 君も一口食べてみな
「Say Cheese!」 笑えば丸く収まるんだ
時々キツイって言われて 少し凹むけど
個性の塊だから あんまり気にしない
熱くと伸びる性格 器用なようで不器用
たまに焦げるくらいが 人間ぽくていいでしょ?
ソフトにみえて ハードな生きざま
裏を返せば穴だらけ たとえ不揃いだとしても
食べた人みんなが 「これはクセになる」って笑うのさ
あふれる香りで みんなを包む
塩っけスパイス クセ強めでも興味津々
ほら 笑えば世界が少し軽くなる
「Say Cheese!」 奇妙な夜もまあるく収まる
まろやか かつ 時々刺激的
君のテーブルに そっと転がりこむ
その瞬間こそが 道徳かもしれない
一口かじれば ファンタスティックな世界へようこそ
- Lyricist
Check No Apple Juice
- Composer
Check No Apple Juice
- Producer
Check No Apple Juice
- Vocals
Check No Apple Juice
- Songwriter
Check No Apple Juice

Listen to I Am Cheese by Check No Apple Juice
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I Am Cheese
Check No Apple Juice
A cheese as the protagonist!? We're excited to release our new feel-good pop song "I Am Cheese" that will instantly bring a smile to your face.
Beginning with the confident line "I am cheese, enchanting the world with my aroma," this unique track takes on the perspective of a characterful cheese to affirm self-acceptance. With lyrics like "It's my quirks that make me attractive" and "Even if I'm uneven," the song delivers an important message about embracing your imperfections, all wrapped in a catchy, upbeat sound.
Lines such as "Soft on the outside but hard in the way I live" and "Smooth on the surface, but full of holes underneath" cleverly express human complexity through cheese metaphors. This light-hearted track positively embraces everyone's unique characteristics and "quirks," celebrating them as what makes us special.
"Say Cheese!" and everything will work out-with this positive message and catchy rhythm, we've created a new happy anthem for young people that will instantly boost your mood just by listening.
Artist Profile
Check No Apple Juice
Chic Ringo no Juus is a singer-songwriter / unit with a unique world view. They capture the ordinary moments of daily life, expressing the view through a smartphone, the loneliness of the night, and the sweet-sourness of youth with delicate words and melodies. While their songs are pop, they also incorporate elements of electro and alternative music to create a multi-layered sound. With lyrics that resonate with the social networking age and melodies that are nostalgic yet new, they have captured the hearts of the digital generation by releasing songs mainly on TikTok and YouTube.
Check No Apple Juiceの他のリリース