Oh that dream again
This comes to my head recently
I am Steve
I have a memory of my previous life
A man called Thomas
Only the last night of his is clear
Lingering death and deep sadness
But a feeling like a bird flying in the sky
Killed by the woman he loved
My heart pains every time I remember this
What does he want to tell me
I’m living my life not to make it a waste
But, what is this feeling
Feels like leaving someone in the dark
Thomas, where and what are you searching for
I am true
I’ll live your life too
The memory from the previous life you told me
That’s my energy to live
Thank you
But why do you keep on restraining me
My heart freezes
If I had saved you
But how can I say this to someone
Getting frustrated
I’m not like Thomas
I’m not like Thomas
I have a job and not alone
Now, I’m sleeping with a person who I can feel love
How happy I am
I’ll make you happy
The person I love
So, don’t go away from me
Laughing with you
Sadness with you
I want to die next to you
I‘m living my life hard not to make regrets
But, what is this feeling
I feel like leaving someone behind
Thomas what are you doing and where are you?
"I called the police!"
"Who the hell are you?"
- Lyricist
- Composer
Listen to Head or Tail by doNe/noteS
Streaming / Download
- 1
Opening "Neighbor"
- 2
This Is My Life
- 3
The Door to Choice and Dream
- 4
Restless Morning
- 5
- 6
Death and Recognition
- 7
Turbulence of Memory
- ⚫︎
Head or Tail
- 9
Those who are alienated from society.
He's name is Thomas.
He gazing neighbor from the window everyday.
Jessy... Gazed your beautiful eyes. showing me your smile and talk to me.
one day, someone talked to Thomas in a dream.
[I'm Asteka. Jessy is killed by a murder. Save her. It's 2:00am. Call the police. time to change your life. Feel it! ]
You will witness all despair.
Check with your ears.
Artist Profile
We are "doNe /noteS"! Japanese prog HR&HM concept music band.