Trick Front Cover




Sweet sweet smell like a what

Like the smell of summer perfume


Leave to the time and the waves

溶けるように 目が合って


Where you going now what's doing now

Tell me baby

Where you going now what's doing now

Tell me baby

Where you going now what's doing now

Tell me baby

Where you going now what's doing now

Tell me please

Sweet sweet smell like a what?

Like the smell of summer perfume


Leave to the time and the waves

溶けるように 惹かれあって

Fallin' love & make love

Where you going now what's doing now

Tell me baby

Where you going now what's doing now

Tell me baby

Where you going now what's doing now

Tell me baby

Where you going now what's doing now

Tell me please

Where you going now what's doing now

Tell me baby

Where you going now what's doing now

Tell me baby

Where you going now what's doing now

Tell me baby

Where you going now what's doing now

Tell me please

  • Lyricist


  • Composer

    Yuhki Yoshida

Trick Front Cover

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