雨上がり 灯せなかった
ゆらぎのうえで 燻らせて
抱えている 胸のつまり
その風に吹かれ 流されて
でも消えなかった 分かってたんだ
「あるべきもの」 残すために
闘う時がきたんだ 今
音の並び 譜面の上で
決められた規律を 奏で続け
ノイズなら 除けられていく
調和乱すと 決められたら
でも発さなくちゃ 届けなくちゃ
たとえ孤独な 葛藤だとしても
ここから救える 世界がある
この地から変えていく 出発点
声を聴いて 今は許せなくても いつか
その不安は晴れるから 少しずつ未来へ
Yah yah…
- Lyricist
takeshi hamabe
- Composer
takeshi hamabe

Listen to yah yah by takeshi hamabe
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yah yah
takeshi hamabe
Takeshi Hamabe, whose last album "Utsuroutsuro" ranked 7th on the iTunes Music R&B Soul Chart.
This is the first song from his new album "FLYING HOUSE 2085," which is scheduled for distribution in October 2024.
"FLYING HOUSE 2085" is a sci-fi brothel drama set in SHIBUYA in the year 2085, a concept album in which the story progresses through alternating 'voice drama' tracks of conversational drama and 'music' tracks created based on the drama.
The song "yah yah" is a drum'n'bass based dance number that depicts the main character, Mr.K,who tries his best to survive his life while being deceived by android prostitute Ping-Ping and sometimes undergoing "anesthesia lotion".
Artist Profile
takeshi hamabe
The album "Utsurou Tsurou" released in January 2023 was a hit and ranked 7th on the iTunes Music R&B/Soul chart. Collaboration sound sources with mabanua, Shingo Sekiguchi, and WONK in "origami home sessions" and "smallthingsPJ", and self-produced songs by Jun Murayama, the keyboardist of "Zutto Midnight De Ii ni" when he was in a band. The cover was well received. In August 2024, "yah yah" was released as a lead song from the next audio drama album. ``yah yah'' is a dance number centered around drum'n'bass, depicting the main character, K, being deceived by the android prostitute Ping-Pin, and even though he is sometimes put under anesthesia, he tries his best to live his life.
takeshi hamabeの他のリリース