I WHO TILT (I WHO TILT English version)のジャケット写真

I WHO TILT (I WHO TILT English version)


  • Play music

※ 試聴は反映までに時間がかかる場合があります。
※ 著作権管理事業者等が管理する楽曲は試聴できません。

0 "I who TILT" - Walking with Dementia

Description of the song
This is a story about the family of a friend of mine.
My friend's wife was diagnosed with dementia, and as she went about her daily life, she began to lose track of her surroundings and had trouble with her behavior.

She described herself as TILT.
Yes, I know that. But I don't move as much as I want to, I don't know.
Thank you all for your concern and being there for me.

I understand.

Last line.
"Thank you for all my family and friends." I know.
So... don't cry. 
Smile today.
And let's all have a good time together again someday.


  • momokarin

    時事問題に取り組む歌と、スポーツに取り組む応援歌を演奏します。ソウルフル、バラード、ロック、様々なジャンルで表現。マリンプラスチック問題「Pratico」マスク着用についての歌「ランドマークかな」認知症と向き合うことについての歌「I TILTED」日本語版、英語版のリーディングを取り入れたライブスタイルを取り入れることもある。スポーツ応援歌の場合は、会場で実演することもある。多くの人が見たことのないLIVEのスタイルです。また、音響機器が全くなくても、マイクを使わずアカペラだけでもできます。会場のコンディションに関わらず開催いたします。日本国外にお住まいの方は、現地での支援とご協力が必要です。We will play songs that tackle current affairs and cheering songs that tackle sports. Soulful, ballads, rock, express in various genres. Marine Plastic Problem "Pratico" Song about wearing a mask "I wonder if it's a landmark" Song about confronting dementia "I TILTED" Japanese version, English version The live style may incorporate readings. In the case of sports cheer songs, they may be demonstrated at the venue. It is a style of LIVE that many people have never seen. Also, even if you don't have any sound equipment at all, you can do it with no microphone and only a cappella. It will be held regardless of the condition of the venue. If you are outside of Japan, local support and cooperation are required.

