Heavy Metal Doctorsのジャケット写真


I. C. T.


The white coat is badly soiled

Decontaminate your dirty hands

By using antiseptic hand rub

Waterless antiseptic agent

Dispose of hazardous materials including chemicals

Radioactive substances and infectious material

We are an organization to eliminate contamination

From this area for hygiene (Of course, we consider global environment)

If we find your soiled act, we'll commence intervention

With armed force

Every single co-medical staff

Who promotes contamination (Contamination)

Will be a legitimate target for our intervention

Cut off routes of infection

Source isolation

Standard precautions

We act not for our own benefit

Nor do we act for personal gain

We have Nosocomial Infections Surveillance

For our facility sanitation (Of course, we consider medical expense)

If we find the outbreak, we give early intervention

By all means we have now

We're an organization to eliminate contamination

From this area for hygiene

If we find your soiled act, we'll commence intervention

With armed force

We have Nosocomial Infections Surveillance

For our facility sanitation (Of course, we consider medical expense)

If we find the outbreak, we give early intervention

By all means we have now

  • 作詞


  • 作曲


Heavy Metal Doctorsのジャケット写真

AMUSIE の“I. C. T.”を


ストリーミング / ダウンロード

現役医師集団 AMUSIE(アミュージー)待望のデビュー・アルバム「HEAVY METAL DOCTORS」!欧州スタイルのメロディック・パワー・メタル全9曲。ミックス、マスタリングは重鎮フレドリック・ノルドストロームが担当。



    メンバー:イヌカイ ダイスケ(Vo)、キノシタ シンゴ(Gt)、マノ ユキオ(Ba/Cho)、イトウ サトル(Dr) 現役医師集団(耳鼻科x1、産婦人科x3)によるメタルバンド。愛知県出身、2011年結成。 欧州スタイルのメロディック・パワーメタルを基調としたヴァラエティ豊かな楽曲が特徴。


Rubicon Music
