Heavy Metal Doctorsのジャケット写真


Lost Senses


Born in a town

Live an urban life

We all got used to the din of the city

One by one

In exchange for convenience

We never knew what we left behind

Crowds in the streets

Rushing everywhere

No time to have my peace of mind

Flashing lights

Everything's in confusion

Taking the senses away

Looking up to the stars

Falling to my eyes

When I listen to dead silence

Owls sing their song

I can feel the firefly flit

The scent of trees

Breathe and taste the air

The lost senses revive

Nothing new

Days unchanged

Simply we don't see at all

Now take a look around, around

My nervous system awake

Looking up to the stars

Falling to my eyes

When I listen to dead silence

Owls sing their song

I can feel the firefly flit

The scent of trees

Breathe and taste the air

The lost senses revive

I’m not sure

Can I reach the truth

For sure it really exists in me

Close my eyes

Free my soul

I’m on the way back to human nature

Looking up to the stars

Falling to my eyes

When I listen to dead silence

Owls sing their song

Firefly flit

The scent of trees

Breathe and taste the air

The lost senses revive

Looking up to the stars (Pray to the stars)

Falling to my eyes (Shining in the dark)

When I listen to dead silence (In the dead of silence)

Owls sing their song (I sing my song)

Firefly flit (Firefly flit)

The scent of trees (The scent of trees)

Breathe and taste the air (Breathe and taste the air)

The lost senses revive

  • 作詞


  • 作曲


Heavy Metal Doctorsのジャケット写真

AMUSIE の“Lost Senses”を


ストリーミング / ダウンロード

現役医師集団 AMUSIE(アミュージー)待望のデビュー・アルバム「HEAVY METAL DOCTORS」!欧州スタイルのメロディック・パワー・メタル全9曲。ミックス、マスタリングは重鎮フレドリック・ノルドストロームが担当。



    メンバー:イヌカイ ダイスケ(Vo)、キノシタ シンゴ(Gt)、マノ ユキオ(Ba/Cho)、イトウ サトル(Dr) 現役医師集団(耳鼻科x1、産婦人科x3)によるメタルバンド。愛知県出身、2011年結成。 欧州スタイルのメロディック・パワーメタルを基調としたヴァラエティ豊かな楽曲が特徴。


Rubicon Music
