I’m so tired
I can’t sing a song
I’m tired to death
I get tired watching TV
The satan is in my mind
The satan is in my room
Is this world the another world?
Is this world the another world?
Life is a game
I lost that game
But… this is fine
It’s better than a boring life
I don’t hope anything
Life is a symphony
Hope and despair, let’s make it all a song
My song released into the universe
Live in the moment
I complete my life
Unleash hope in the sky
- Lyricist
Tomsaw the 13th
- Composer
Tomsaw the 13th, 41751
- Recording Engineer
Tomsaw the 13th
- Mixing Engineer
Tomsaw the 13th
- Mastering Engineer
Tomsaw the 13th
- Guitar
- Keyboards
- Synthesizer
- Vocals
Tomsaw the 13th
- Songwriter
Tomsaw the 13th, 41751
- Programming
Listen to Mr.Satan by The Heaven Stars Mild
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The Heaven Stars Mild
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The Heaven Stars Mild
Super dark music duo from Japan.
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