Like my darkest night, I see me laying down
Wonder why my day had to be like
Just as the one I had the day before
The coffee taste the same. Goin' on my train
Arriving just quarter past to 8AM
Don't need no super psychic power to tell how my day will go
Then I turn off the light, shut the door
I even threw away my favorite cup
No need of past, no need for worries
I found the only thing I need!
I need love!
Come to think of it, it's everywhere
Funny how I've never been taught of it
Easy to find, easy to lose
Breathe in the love you find on your way
Seems quite a while since I took my time
Answering the question poppin' in my mind
Wait a sec, tryin' to fix I can just rewind
Everything I do, you seem to hate it!
Plans from A-Z, nothing fits your shoes
Get my things packed up, ready to go
Then I turn off the light, shut the door
I even threw away my favorite cup
Give up, it's over. Now that I can see
No more thinking and just a little feeling
I need love!
Come to think of it, it's everywhere
Funny how I've never been taught of it
Easy to find, easy to lose
Breathe in the love you find on your way
Then I turn off the light, shut the door
I even threw away my favorite cup
Give up, it's over. Now that I can see
No more thinking and just a little feeling
I need love!
Come to think of it, it's everywhere
Funny how I've never been taught of it
Easy to find, easy to lose
Breathe in the love you find on your way
- 作詞
Ayako Kawai
- 作曲
Ayako Kawai
Ayako Kawai の“Breathe In Love”を
ストリーミング / ダウンロード
Ayako Kawai
1992年9月24日 アメリカ メリーランド州生まれ 幼少期をアメリカで過ごす。 ロックをはじめ、ヒップホップやポップスなど様々なジャンルの音楽をルーツに持つ。 2017年頃から音楽家としての活動を開始、ソロアーティストとして「ほんのちょっと、唄うわ。」を2018年3月にリリース。 現在は作詞業を中心とし、アーティストのバックコーラスやCM歌唱、 英詞発音に特化したレコーディングディレクションなどを行ないながら、 自身の楽曲制作にも取り組んでいる。
Ayako Kawaiの他のリリース