Crazy lab Compilation Album vol.1 Front Cover



Crazy LAB

In this wooden body, a wish resides

Thoughts of becoming human, my father's dream

Entrusted wish, a light of hope

Believed in me, those eyes

Father, I hear your voice

Your words resonate in my heart

Father, I'll make you proud

Living with this heart

From father, I learned love

From father, I gained strength

With a human heart

I will live your dream

Facing hardships, your figure

Always supporting me, those hands

For my father, I move forward

No matter how tough this path is

Father, I hear your voice

Your words resonate in my heart

Father, I'll make you proud

Living with this heart

From father, I learned love

From father, I gained strength

With a human heart

I will live your dream

Until the day we meet again

I swear, I won't change

This heart made by father's love

Will burn forever

From father, I learned love

From father, I gained strength

With a human heart

I will live your dream

Thoughts of my father, in my heart

Your voice guides me to the future

From father, I move forward

With gratitude to my father, thank you

  • Lyricist


  • Composer


Crazy lab Compilation Album vol.1 Front Cover

Listen to Father by Crazy LAB

Streaming / Download

  • 1


    Crazy LAB

  • 2

    to get away from it all

    Crazy LAB

  • 3

    Dancing Flame & Frenzied Flame

    Crazy LAB

  • 4

    Dancing Dream

    Crazy LAB

  • 5


    Crazy LAB

  • 6


    Crazy LAB

  • 7

    No, No, No, Tanabata

    Crazy LAB

  • 8

    Crazy wind thunder

    Crazy LAB

  • 9

    The END

    Crazy LAB

  • 10

    demon, demon, demon

    Crazy LAB

  • 11


    Crazy LAB

  • 12

    Wind, Forest, Fire, and Mountain

    Crazy LAB

  • 13


    Crazy LAB

  • 14


    Crazy LAB

  • ⚫︎


    Crazy LAB

In a mysterious world ruled by music, lives the enigmatic character "Crazy." To survive in this unique realm, he delivers a diverse range of musical genres to you.

This compilation album is a distilled essence of the music that has captivated his world. Rock, metal, punk... Each genre's energy and emotion blend together, guiding listeners on a new musical journey.

With this eagerly anticipated first album, open the doors to unknown music and join us in an adventure through the world of Crazy Lab.

Artist Profile

  • Crazy LAB

    "Crazy," a mysterious character created by the AI from Crazy Lab, produces various genres of music in a world where music rules everything.

    Artist page

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