KANA -for all beloved- Front Cover


ikyunnyaKANA (feat. Selena Nishihira)

Marina Hirata

行きゅんにゃ加那 吾きゃ事忘れてぃ 行きゅんにゃ加那

汝きゃ面影なんてぃ 吾きゃ胸に スラ吾きゃ胸に

美らさや 歩きゅん道ぬ花見りば 美らさや

愛しゃる島 生れたん人んきゃぬ 結心 スラ結心

懐かしゃや 島唄 踊りや 懐かしゃや

親加那志 遊びぬ 生魂 スラ生魂

  • Lyricist

    Marina Hirata

  • Composer

    Marina Hirata

KANA -for all beloved- Front Cover

Listen to ikyunnyaKANA (feat. Selena Nishihira) by Marina Hirata

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    Marina Hirata

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    Marina Hirata

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    Marina Hirata

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    Marina Hirata

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    Marina Hirata

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    Marina Hirata

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    ikyunnyaKANA (feat. Selena Nishihira)

    Marina Hirata

By the way, "Kana" means "loved person, favorite person" in the dialect of Amami-Island. It is also used as women's nickname by adding "Kana" after their own names. It's been 19 years since I started singing "Shima-Uta". And I wonder what is "Kana" that I think of.
This album was made only with songs has a word, "Kana" in their lyrics. Thinking about someone you love, wishing your parents to live long, cherishing the ephemeral nature of your parents and children, and remembering your loved ones in far distance... They are all "love" for someone you care for.

With respect and gratitude for the ancestors.
Marina Hirata

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Artist Profile

  • Marina Hirata

    奄美市名瀬出身。6歳から祖母であり唄者である松山美枝子に島唄を習い始める。 民謡民舞全国大会内閣総理大臣杯5位、第38回奄美民謡大賞受賞など、幼少期から奄美や全国各地の民謡大会で数々の賞を受賞。 現在は奄美、関東圏を中心とし、また国外でも島唄及び奄美を広める活動に邁進中。東京では平田まりな三味線教室を開講、奄美では島の心を伝えるべく、子どもたちへの島唄継承にも励む。 また舞台女優として役者業など多方面へ活動を挑み続けてる。

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  • Selena Nishihira

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