Picnical Dreamy Cream Pie Party Memoriesのジャケット写真


Favorite Bakery


Here is my favorite bakery

In the bakery,singing with you

Yeah Rest time

I swiped phone in bed

Anyway too boring

Like this short bread

These a story was

Old and my life is changed

From the day I sat on a seat

With my tray

Salsa dock,Daily pizza

Chocolate binish are templates

Order just coffee drink

Only warning for “Without Ice.”

Here is my favorite bakery

In the bakery,singing with you


Take a break time

Old man read a paperback

And his wife slowly saw out

Window then

You let me down.You let me think

But I hope to be the good friend

Like that them

If sold out,Daily pizza

Change the plan to Margherita

Order just set drink

Only warming so please a time

Here is my favorite bakery

In the bakery,beating with you

Really my life has changed

With the light jazz inspiration

Take a pens and sheets

Only waiting for pleasant time

Let’s try!

Here is my favorite bakery

In the bakery,singling with you

Here is my love. Favorite Bakery

In the bakery,singing with you

In the bakery,beating with you

In the bakery,to singing with


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Picnical Dreamy Cream Pie Party Memoriesのジャケット写真

99-ROT の“Favorite Bakery”を


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