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満月の夜。皆がすっかり眠った頃に始まるちょっと不思議なdance partyのテーマ。静かに熱を帯び月の光が拡散するフロア。エレクトロニカ、ハウス、シンセウェーブを優雅に操るMichiganizedの配信1st シングル。
Full moon night. A little strange dance party theme that starts when everyone is completely asleep. A dance floor that heats up slowly. The moonlight diffuses. The 1st single of "Michiganized" from Japan, inspired by electronica, house and synth wave.
Michiganized is a indie music project founded by Yumi Aoi, Japanese bassist, in 2019 in Tokyo. She creates very interesting music inspired by newwave, shoegaze, electronica and 90's pop music. Her music makes audiences feel good and nostalgic.