Stand up your feat
Behind year your dreams
I stand my self
I read magic wards
Say my name you know who I am
I singing for you but trouble way
My destiny day is to day
Why should I care where going to be
I don’t wanna be a loser woo
We can fly now wherever you are go
To now keep your freedom
Is your life look at the sky million stars
On your head choose the anymore
You make it you get it
Come true one by one
You did it all the one
They will all you done
Kill the fucking god
Life is not only one
Why should I care where going to be
I don’t wanna be a loser woo
We can fly now wherever you are go
To now keep your freedom
We don’t fight
Tell me why
We rest to night
Silent night
I’m ready to do for the morning moon
Why should I care
We going to be
I don’t wanna be a loser woo
We just freedom now I’m king to do
We are winner everything your self
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Listen to Keep your self by Kirill
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Keep your self
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キリル(Kirill) / 2004年生まれ / ロシアと日本のハーフ / 人と喋るの大好き。好きな食べ物は鮭のムニエル