マキャベリ キャベツ
アボカド メキシコ
マヨネーズ スプラッシュ
あいかわらず アナタ
テキーラばかり アオッて
途方もなく あなた
マキャベリ キャンディ
マンチェゴ カタルーニャ
カリカリ カリフラワー
マヨネーズ スプラッシュ
あいかわらず アナタ
地ビールばかり アオッて
アツレキなく ウマく
アクロス the メタバース
アクロス the メタバース
アクロス the メタバース
オーライ オーライ
フラクタル フラクタル
フリーダム フリーダム
- Lyricist
yunite, Jiku Aono
- Composer
Jiku Aono
Listen to Metaphysical Metaverse by The Lady Shelters
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Metaphysical Metaverse
The Lady Shelters
WHITE HORSES is beautiful.
TLS Records has just released their second single, "Metaphysical Metaverse".
While songs, novels, and movies depicting the Metaverse will be released one after another all over the world, The Lady Shelters have already released their first single, "Metaverse: The Relationship between AI and Mankind," which is as multifaceted as possible, from the beginning to the end, on the sound of the RHYTHM group, which seems to have entered a new mode. The world at the end of the "Metaverse, AI, and Humanity" has already been expressed here in an "extremely abstract and symbolic" manner.
You may be thinking, "No, no, that's an exaggeration.
However, the other day I listened to the new album, which had just been mastered, in the studio by Mr. Tokizora Aono.
When I listened to "Metaphysical Metaverse" in the flow of the album, strangely enough, the songs came to life in front of my eyes with a completely different depth and three-dimensionality.
Last month, Mr. Tokizora did not nod to my repeated persuasion and said that he would not distribute the entire ALBUM this time.
The reason for this is obvious, especially when you listen to the first song, "CELEBRATE 1969," and the sixth song, "Faraway Fairlady Venus".
It is still difficult to express in words, but if you listen to the whole album with these two songs at the center of your mind, you will understand what I meant the other day when I called it "vintage and unknown psychedelic music".
Another reason for not distributing the entire album is that we are trying to avoid the "waveform black yokan/polybdenum" to express the original DYNAMICS of rock 'n' roll as it was in the 1970's. Therefore, we are not distributing the entire album.
Therefore, we have to turn up the amplifier scale by a factor of Nisan or Goroku, as if we were back a few decades ago.
The source of the magic that can happen there is certainly here.
WHITE HORSES is beautiful.
As I pressed the eject button and stared at the white master CD-R that came out, I had the same strange feeling I had when I first touched the new CD medium in 1982.
I looked up at Mr. Tokizora Aono's face and tried to decipher the answer to this mystery from his expression.
But there was no way to decipher the answer from his face, so we had to keep listening to the album over and over again.
All we have learned is that the "Hajimari of the achievement of a long-cherished dream" of The Lady Shelters was the launch of TLS Records and the completion of their latest 4th album, "WHITE HORSES".
There is no more space to write about Mizuki and the achievement of Kento and Akari Yoshida's RHYTHM group with this album.
But if you look at how beautiful Mizuki is in the cover photo of "Metaphysical Metaverse," there is no need for me to write about her anymore.
The incarnation of rock 'n' roll has indeed descended upon this world of 2025.
These four people can have magic.
These four people can have dreams.
April 2023
Rock and roll lovers
White Force Jr.
Artist Profile
The Lady Shelters
Formed in March 2019. The girls' musicality, fashion, and love of "rock 'n' roll from the bottom of their hearts" can't help but be felt in everything they do. With Mizuki's sweet and spicy vocals and Akari Yoshida's and Kento's authentic R&R beats, JICOO's world of "good old days" and "his new interpretation" is well-cooked. The album is full of elements that will be fresh not only for Western rock fans but also for those who have been listening to rock bands in recent years. On their YouTube channel, THE LADY SHELTERS have been releasing cover videos of Western music such as The Rolling Stones and The Who.
The Lady Sheltersの他のリリース
TLS Records