Beyond the Silhouetteのジャケット写真


Beyond the Silhouette

Sundown Reflection

Shadows dance beneath the moon's soft glow

Mysteries unfold in the night below

Your silhouette fades into the dark

Leaving traces on my yearning heart

Beyond the silhouette, I'm reaching out to you

Through the veil of night, searching for the truth

Whispers in the wind are all that's left

Chasing memories beyond the silhouette

Footsteps echo on the empty street

Haunted by the places we used to meet

Reflections in the window panes

Reveal the ghost of our remains

Beyond the silhouette, I'm reaching out to you

Through the veil of night, searching for the truth

Whispers in the wind are all that's left

Chasing memories beyond the silhouette

Time can't erase the lines we drew

In faded ink of me and you

Though distance grows and shadows fall

In my dreams, I hear your call

Beyond the silhouette, I'm reaching out to you

Through the veil of night, searching for the truth

Whispers in the wind are all that's left

Chasing memories beyond the silhouette

Shadows fade with the break of dawn

But in my heart, you linger on

  • 作詞

    Sundown Reflection

  • 作曲

    Sundown Reflection

  • プロデューサー

    Sundown Reflection

  • ボーカル

    Sundown Reflection

Beyond the Silhouetteのジャケット写真

Sundown Reflection の“Beyond the Silhouette”を


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    Beyond the Silhouette

    Sundown Reflection

Beyond the Silhouette" は、夜の静寂と失われた愛の余韻をテーマにした感傷的で幻想的な楽曲です。月明かりの下で踊る影や消えゆくシルエットを通じて、過去の記憶や失われた絆への切ない思いを描いています。哀愁漂うメロディと詩的な歌詞が、夜の神秘と心の奥深くに残る感情を映し出します。恋人を探し求める主人公は、夢と現実の狭間で揺れながらも、遠い記憶にすがり続けます。


