Raw Sound from Seventeenth Basement Floor Front Cover


Harmony of Manure Pool (feat. Wataru Suzuki) [Live in Singapore 2022]

Takashi Obana

あなたの輝きが僕の目を焦がす Your glitter burns my eyes

つややかな声が僕の鼓膜を破る Your lustrous voice tears my eardrums

爽やかな風が僕の肌を溶かす A refreshing wind melts my skin

あでやかな香りが僕の鼻をもぎ取る A glamorous fragrance rips down my nose

自分がないのが恥ずかしい So ashamed of my hollow self

へつらう顔が無様にこわばる My fawning face stiffens in an ugly way

己の足で立てない醜態 I feel the disgrace of not being able to stand on my feet

独りよがりの沼に沈んでいく I’m sinking in a mud of solipsism

ある日見た最悪の悪夢 One day, I had the worst nightmare

僕はある老人に出会う I met an old man in the dream

脳みそと足を奪われて His brain and legs were taken away

頭に機械を埋め込まれてた A machine was implanted into his head

彼の顔にへばりついた永遠の悲しみが叫ぶ The eternal agony stuck on his face is shouting at me

これがお前の本当の嘘偽りのない姿 The face is violently screaming “This is your true self!”

胸の中の虚しさは、どうせ消えやしないのだ 老いたからだが朽ちるまで The emptiness in my chest will never disappear until my old body rots away

目も鼻も口もない恐ろしい影を抱きしめて、灰色のよどみに宣戦布告 I will embrace the horrific shadow who has no eyes, nose, or mouth. Together with the shadow, I declare a war against the “gray stagnation”

肥溜めの中のテナントも遠くに輝く夜空を見つめている Even though we are the tenants in a pool of manure, we are gazing over starry night sky

ブラウン管の向こうに果てしなく広がる世界をぶち壊そう醜い生き様で There is an ever-expanding world behind the tube. Together, let’s shatter that fake and vane world with our authentic ugly lives!

  • Lyricist

    Takashi Obana

  • Composer

    Takashi Obana

Raw Sound from Seventeenth Basement Floor Front Cover

Listen to Harmony of Manure Pool (feat. Wataru Suzuki) [Live in Singapore 2022] by Takashi Obana

Streaming / Download

  • 1

    A man in search of the "rubber ball" (Live in Tokyo 2022)

    Takashi Obana

  • 2

    Loneliness of the Toxic Spell (Live in Singapore 2023)

    Takashi Obana

  • 3

    The Beggar (Live in Singapore 2023)

    Takashi Obana

  • 4

    Aging Odor (Live in Singapore 2022)

    Takashi Obana

  • 5

    Burning Delusion (Live in Singapore 2023)

    Takashi Obana

  • ⚫︎

    Harmony of Manure Pool (feat. Wataru Suzuki) [Live in Singapore 2022]

    Takashi Obana

  • 7

    Rotten Corpse (feat. Juno) [Live in Singapore 2022]

    Takashi Obana

  • 8

    Cry of Full-Montysm

    Takashi Obana

"Rock and roll is the cry of full-montysm." I, Takashi Obana, have upheld this statement and continued to write and sing brutally honest songs. As the world recovered from lockdown, I went on a live performance frenzy. From that madness, I have curated a selection of tracks to present here!

First album: "Regression to Jomon." Second album: "Seventeenth Basement Floor." Through singing the songs I wrote, I have experienced numerous soul-stirring encounters and overwhelming happiness.

In this brief life, there are meetings and partings. That's precisely why we burn and shine unconditionally. There is no inherent meaning in that. In this live album, I've packed in the scent of passion. I hope you savor it to the fullest. With all my love, from the cry of full-montyst...

Lyrics, Composition, Performance: Takashi Obana
Lead Guitar (Harmony of the Manure Pool): Wataru Suzuki (https://www.tunecore.co.jp/artists/watarusuzuki/)
Cajón (Rotten Corpse): Juno (https://www.instagram.com/junomanji/)
Jacket Design: Nobuyasu Manaka
Photography: Melissa Foo
Mastering Engineer: Kensuke Kawashima (https://www.youtube.com/@kenskkwsm3/)
Recording Engineer: Toshio Kawai

Artist Profile
