ウジ虫たちがざわめき始めた三日月の夜 Maggots started buzzing on a night of crescent moon
腐った肉を食いちぎり、乱痴気騒ぎの赤子たち The babies are having spree biting off rotten flesh
貪り、交わり、糞尿まみれの体が暴れだす Devouring and smearing, their bodies start raging
むき出しの目玉は漆黒の空をにらむ Their eyes lay bare glaring the pitch-dark sky
燃えきれなかった情熱が燻ぶる腐乱死体を求め続けて、命の限り飛び回る Until the last breaths, they fly around searching for the body filled with unburned passion
ブンブンブン Boom boom boom
いつかそのうち、多分そのうち、気が向いたら、本気を出す “Someday, maybe someday, I’m gonna fire all my cylinders"
ちゃんちゃらおかしい無様な奴ら あんな風にはなりたくない "No way, I’m gonna be as lame as those pathetic losers.”
呪文のように鳴り響く言葉冷たい部屋に木霊する 七色に光る羽をどこからともなく吸い寄せる The words echo in a cold room like a spell and attracts the rainbow shiny wings from out of nowhere…
見果てぬ夢を追い続ける魂たちは知らん顔で腐乱死体を横切った The souls pursuing everlasting dream passed the rotten body without minding it
ブンブンブン Boom boom boom
- Lyricist
Takashi Obana
- Composer
Takashi Obana
Listen to Rotten Corpse (feat. Juno) [Live in Singapore 2022] by Takashi Obana
Streaming / Download
- 1
A man in search of the "rubber ball" (Live in Tokyo 2022)
Takashi Obana
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Loneliness of the Toxic Spell (Live in Singapore 2023)
Takashi Obana
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The Beggar (Live in Singapore 2023)
Takashi Obana
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Aging Odor (Live in Singapore 2022)
Takashi Obana
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Burning Delusion (Live in Singapore 2023)
Takashi Obana
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Harmony of Manure Pool (feat. Wataru Suzuki) [Live in Singapore 2022]
Takashi Obana
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Rotten Corpse (feat. Juno) [Live in Singapore 2022]
Takashi Obana
E - 8
Cry of Full-Montysm
Takashi Obana
"Rock and roll is the cry of full-montysm." I, Takashi Obana, have upheld this statement and continued to write and sing brutally honest songs. As the world recovered from lockdown, I went on a live performance frenzy. From that madness, I have curated a selection of tracks to present here!
First album: "Regression to Jomon." Second album: "Seventeenth Basement Floor." Through singing the songs I wrote, I have experienced numerous soul-stirring encounters and overwhelming happiness.
In this brief life, there are meetings and partings. That's precisely why we burn and shine unconditionally. There is no inherent meaning in that. In this live album, I've packed in the scent of passion. I hope you savor it to the fullest. With all my love, from the cry of full-montyst...
Lyrics, Composition, Performance: Takashi Obana
Lead Guitar (Harmony of the Manure Pool): Wataru Suzuki (https://www.tunecore.co.jp/artists/watarusuzuki/)
Cajón (Rotten Corpse): Juno (https://www.instagram.com/junomanji/)
Jacket Design: Nobuyasu Manaka
Photography: Melissa Foo
Mastering Engineer: Kensuke Kawashima (https://www.youtube.com/@kenskkwsm3/)
Recording Engineer: Toshio Kawai
Artist Profile
Takashi Obana
I sing my bare emotion just with acoustic guitar. I burn my life playing Rock and Roll music which is all about fully exposing my naked soul.
Takashi Obanaの他のリリース