今日もなんとなく 悩んでしまいます
「レタスボタン」だけが 気になって仕方ないんです
頭の中は ごちゃごちゃしたままで
このボタンに ちょっと手を伸ばしてみようと思います
レタスボタンを 押してみましょう
パリッとした気持ちで 一歩踏み出したいんです
鮮やかな緑に 染めてくれそうな気がするんです
あなたの笑顔も きっと広がるはずです
落ち込んだときは すぐには元気になれず
だけど そんな気持ちを洗い流すように
あのボタンが今日も わたしを呼んでいるんです
昨日よりも ほんの少しだけでも
新しいわたしに 出会えたらいいなと思います
描いてみる勇気を この手に集めたいんです
レタスボタンを 押してみませんか
瑞々しい想いで リスタートしたいんです
心の片隅が くすんでいても
わたしもあなたも もっと輝けるはずです
落ち込むことがあっても きっと大丈夫です
ちょっとしたきっかけが 笑顔を咲かせます
どこかでつまずいた その瞬間も
「レタスボタン」を押したなら 新しい風が吹いてきます
レタスボタンを もう一度押します
パリパリと音を立てるように 心を弾ませて
わたしの未来に 彩りを加えて
あなたの世界もきっと 明るくなれるんです
さあ 一緒にこのボタンで 始めませんか
- Lyricist
Check No Apple Juice
- Composer
Check No Apple Juice
- Producer
Check No Apple Juice
- Vocals
Check No Apple Juice
- Songwriter
Check No Apple Juice

Listen to Lettuce Button Part 2 by Check No Apple Juice
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Lettuce Button Part 2
Check No Apple Juice
The song "Lettuce Button Part 2" was born as a song to accompany such feelings.
The song "Lettuce Button" was created to accompany such feelings, and now "Lettuce Button part 2" has been completed with new episodes.
As in the previous song, the "lettuce button" is depicted as a symbol of "a chance to refresh your mind," but this time it also shines a light on "yourself who can't seem to cheer up when you feel down" and "the night when you feel like losing your confidence," and it is a "lettuce button" that can open your eyes at once by simply pushing it. The theme of this year's exhibition is "Courage to take one more step" that can open your eyes to a clearer vision just by pressing a button.
The unique expression of the confusion that arises from the daily routine of facing a small smartphone screen is superimposed on the image of crisp lettuce, and the positive message of "I want to meet a new me a little more than yesterday" is further emphasized.
As symbolized by the phrase "I will press the lettuce button again," we have a "button in our hearts" that can be pressed any number of times. This song teaches us that a little trigger or change of mind can brightly change someone's future.
When you want to add a little more color to your daily life, "Lettuce Button part 2" will surely push your back. Please try to accompany this song with your new season and new feelings.
Artist Profile
Check No Apple Juice
Chic Ringo no Juus is a singer-songwriter / unit with a unique world view. They capture the ordinary moments of daily life, expressing the view through a smartphone, the loneliness of the night, and the sweet-sourness of youth with delicate words and melodies. While their songs are pop, they also incorporate elements of electro and alternative music to create a multi-layered sound. With lyrics that resonate with the social networking age and melodies that are nostalgic yet new, they have captured the hearts of the digital generation by releasing songs mainly on TikTok and YouTube.
Check No Apple Juiceの他のリリース