The Exceeding Joys Of Burningのジャケット写真



Kit Sleepy

Hey how do I feel today

Well I got a nice home and a meal sauteed

Though I gotta sign loans and ‘em bills to pay

Yeah I gotta fine soulmate and bills to save

And just maybe there won’t be rain

And a lot of bad folks will at home, behave

And another man’s hope, will it so, prevail

Guess I gotta count pro’s, they the most to name

So away do we go, I say

Doesn’t matter how solely, you lost the game

For as long as you slowly, your pace, regain

Coz it takes a real man to embrace the pain

Gettup back on and endure the way

Everybody got hard/easy modes to play

Keep your head up high and appreciate

You got blessed enough to spend the day awake

Put your hat on

Take a lil walk and get your bask on

Look at all the birds and flowers and just let the hours Flow and melt and seep and pass on

Now to end this verse

Gimme some time to cement this first:

If you got love in the face of adversity

You’ll be fine for the rest of Eternity

  • 作詞

    Kit Sleepy

  • 作曲

    Kit Sleepy

The Exceeding Joys Of Burningのジャケット写真

Kit Sleepy の“Eternity”を


ストリーミング / ダウンロード

The brand new EP from Kit Sleepy.

