Meaning of Lのジャケット写真



Stain hung over

Leave leave

Why you leave

When I noticed you’re gone

Leave leave

Why you leave

I haven't change anything

How to fill in the blank of you

There are nights when I can't sleep

Without listening to someone's voice

I'm afraid that I will end up without being anything

I don't want to live only in memories

I feel alone when I walking way

I slept well the night I met you

I ’m not use to holding

What to say that feeling

Let's start over again from today

Live live

Why you live

I still can't find the answer

Lie why told me lie

I haven’t change anything

  • 作詞

    Stain hung over

  • 作曲

    Stain hung over

Meaning of Lのジャケット写真

Stain hung over の“Leave”を


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