Junkie God? Front Cover


Junkie God?

Roots of VENOM

Repeat the same days every

Fucking day

I'm tired of

"Mediocre" erery day

But I don't want stimulation

I'm just wating for reformation

"Mediocre" suddenly disappeared

It's time to be "special "

That's what only I can do

I'll recreate a world like shit

This world is rotten

Infinitely increasing pests

I'll tell you clearly now

Evil is punished

It's time to

Get rid of the pests

Tell me your name and face

Goodbye in 40 seconds

To a new world without


Time to delete

Time to delete is you

This is the killing

Needed in the world

I'll erase all the evil

This is human selection

No one can stop me

Can you find me?

On and on and on

Someone has to kill them

Has to be a grim reaper

On and on and on

Someone has to kill them

Has to be a grim reaper

This is it that only I can do

The world chose me

I feeling rageahorlics

Why are you interrupting me?

Remind me

I think that's

How the world should be

On and on and on

I'll kill anyone who crosses me

I am the new world order


I will be justice, and I

Will be God


I won't forgive

Anyone who gets in my way

This is the right

Way of the new world order

I'll erase those

Who go against my order

This is the right

Way of the new world order

I'm going to be

I'm going to be a god

I feeling rageahorlics

Why are you interrupting me?

Remind me

I think that's

How the world should be

On and on and on

I feeling rageahorlics

Why are you interrupting me?

Remind me

I think that's

How the world should be

On and on and on

I'll kill anyone who crosses me

I am the new world order


I will be justice, and I

Will be God


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Junkie God? Front Cover

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    Junkie God?

    Roots of VENOM


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-Roots of VENOM
