The Side Effects VI - LOVE and WAR - Front Cover


Good-bye TOKYO

The Side Effects

何もない朝 涙こらえて

ビルの果てまで続く きらめく道

街に流れる J-POPに乗って

雲の上から注ぐ 愛の言葉

さよならTOKYO 誰かの理想郷

迷える者は Lay, lady, lay

欲望も競争 かなわぬ妄想


選ばれるため 見た目を磨け

恋もプロダクツ いつもバラ色だけ

夢に見た街 かがやく摩天楼

いつか目指した ドラマな主人公

さよならTOKYO 明日なき闘争

震える声で Maybe I’m Amazed

夢見た成功 果てなき消耗



  • Lyricist

    Takaaki Awazu

  • Composer

    Takaaki Awazu

The Side Effects VI - LOVE and WAR - Front Cover

Listen to Good-bye TOKYO by The Side Effects

Streaming / Download

  • 1

    Home Sweet Home

    The Side Effects

  • 2

    Melancholy Local Star

    The Side Effects

  • 3


    The Side Effects

  • 4

    State Funeral Please

    The Side Effects

  • 5

    Ms.Le Thi Thuy Linh

    The Side Effects

  • 6

    August Camp

    The Side Effects

  • 7

    Shiranui Sea

    The Side Effects

  • 8


    The Side Effects

  • ⚫︎

    Good-bye TOKYO

    The Side Effects

  • 10

    Delusions of an Empire

    The Side Effects

  • 11

    Peace on Earth

    The Side Effects

  • 12

    War Starts Across the Sea

    The Side Effects

  • 13


    The Side Effects

  • 14


    The Side Effects

  • 15

    Sayonara, OK, Go

    The Side Effects

  • 16

    Iron Heart

    The Side Effects

  • 17

    Happy Birthday

    The Side Effects

  • 18

    Lonely NUMA

    The Side Effects

This is the sixth album by The Side Effect X, a rare concept album for the 21st century, subtitled "Love and War." It marks our first new work in two years since the previous album in June 2022. Although new songs kept emerging, recording and mixing progressed slowly, resulting in two years of continuous production. During this period, the world was overshadowed by grim news such as the war in Ukraine, Israel's Gaza invasion in the Middle East, and the assassination of the Prime Minister in Japan, all of which significantly influenced the tracks on this album. The extended production period impacted the number of songs, and before we knew it, there were 18 tracks. In the era of streaming, we have the opportunity to release it as a single album. However, emotionally, it feels like a double album. Nothing would make us happier than knowing the songs we've crafted with care become a part of your lives.

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