君の声 霞む茜雲の空に
静かに落ちる 色褪せた葉が
心も揺れて ただ眠りを待つ
木々の先 冷たく風花が舞い
あの日の記憶 風に溶けゆく
Silent tears
忘れられぬ 君がくれた灯り
冷えた掌に まだ温もりが
季節の移ろいに 君の面影を抱き
また巡り来る その笑顔と逢いたい
「さよなら」を 告げる前に冬が
薄氷の朝 君の影探す
霜降る大地に 君を映して
木々の先 冷たく凍風が舞い
Silent tears
暖かな 君と過ごした日々
胸の奥で 火種と燃えている
凍てつく空に その光を添えて
静かに灯る まだ見ぬ光の礫へ
君の名を 心で呟けば
夜空に灯る 儚の星
君のもとへ続く道を 歩く
止まぬ風を背に 心燃やして
Silent tears
忘れたくない 君の温もりよ
冬の風が 君を運ぶように
凍える夜も その愛を抱きしめ
ひとつの光 心に宿して
白い霧 冬の朝に広がる
君の霞影を 今も追いかける
霜に残る「I Love You」が響く
消えぬ灯を胸に 祈り続けてる
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Listen to Your Hazy Shadow by Ei-vy
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Your Hazy Shadow
"Your Hazy Shadow" portrays the memory of someone that fades gently, blending into the winter landscape. Through soft melodies, the fragments of those unforgettable days are woven together. The warmth of those moments, revived with the chill of winter, brings a deep emotional connection. Each time you listen, new imagery unfolds before you, allowing it to resonate with your most cherished memories. Feel the melody echo quietly within, and let it move your heart in the stillness.
Artist Profile
I'm Ei-vy, a music creator. Since March 2024, I have been using AI tools to create original songs that resonate with the heart. My goal is to enrich lives through music, bringing beauty and health to my listeners. Without prior knowledge as a music creator, producing songs seemed like an insurmountable challenge. However, with the help of AI, I was able to overcome this barrier and share "my music" with the world. While I still have much to learn, I am dedicated to creating music that touches the hearts of those who listen. Continuously exploring new possibilities and trying various arrangements, I strive to produce unique and captivating original songs. Thank you for your support!
Your Hazy Shadow