Tailwind Future Front Cover


Tailwind Future


そっと風が吹く (The wind softly blows)

桜の花びら舞い散る (Cherry blossoms flutter down)

まだ少し寒い春の日 (A slightly chilly spring day)


教室の窓から見える景色 (The view from the classroom window)

変わらないようで変わってく (Seems unchanged, yet always changing)

さよならの声に揺れる心 (A wavering heart at the sound of goodbye)

それでも進むよ (Still, I’ll move forward)

手にした卒業証書 (With diploma in hand)

誇らしく high in the air

涙こぼれても (Even if tears fall)

We never say goodbye

追い風に乗って (Riding on the tailwind)

Fly so high, touch the sky

夢の扉開いて (Opening the door to our dreams)

Here we go, never stop

未来はきっと (The future will surely)

輝くから (Shine bright)

どこにいても繋がってる (No matter where we are, we’re connected)

どこにいても繋がってる (No matter where we are, we’re connected)

振り向けば想い出が (Looking back, memories remain)

笑顔で手を振ってる (Waving with a smile)

不安もあるけれど (Though there’s uncertainty)

Hope will lead the way

いつかまた会えるから (Because we’ll meet again someday)

That’s why we smile today

どこにいても繋がってる (No matter where we are, we’re connected)

Forever in our hearts

追い風に乗って (Riding on the tailwind)

Fly so high, touch the sky

夢の扉開いて (Opening the door to our dreams)

Here we go, never stop

未来はきっと (The future will surely)

輝くから (Shine bright)

どこにいても繋がってる (No matter where we are, we’re connected)

どこにいても繋がってる (No matter where we are, we’re connected)

そっと風が吹く (The wind softly blows)

桜の花びら舞い散る (Cherry blossoms flutter down)

また会える日まで (Until the day we meet again)

Keep the dream alive

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Tailwind Future Front Cover

Listen to Tailwind Future by MASAQUI

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