Furano’s bloom, the fields ignite
Hakodate’s glow, in soft twilight
Shiretoko’s cliffs, where eagles fly
Otaru’s glass, the lights will sigh
Asahikawa’s frost, the snow will sing
Biei’s hills, in emerald ring
Sapporo’s streets, where lanterns gleam
Kushiro’s marsh, the cranes will dream
Lake Toya’s blue, the stars will fall
Noboribetsu’s steam, the earth will call
Through Furano, the lavender flows
Waves of purple where the summer grows
Hakodate’s lights will softly gleam
Through the port, a drifting dream
Hokkaido, where the skies expand
Through the snow and endless land
Hokkaido, the winds will call
Feel the wild, beyond it all
Feel the cold in Asahikawa
Through the ice, the skies will glow
In Shiretoko, cliffs will rise
Touching clouds and northern skies
Biei’s path, the trees will sway
Rolling hills at break of day
Otaru’s glass reflects the sea
Through the night, tranquility
Hokkaido, where the skies expand
Through the snow and endless land
Hokkaido, the winds will call
Feel the wild, beyond it all
Furano’s bloom, the fields ignite
Hakodate’s glow, in soft twilight
Shiretoko’s cliffs, where eagles fly
Otaru’s glass, the lights will sigh
Asahikawa’s frost, the snow will sing
Biei’s hills, in emerald ring
Sapporo’s streets, where lanterns gleam
Kushiro’s marsh, the cranes will dream
Lake Toya’s blue, the stars will fall
Noboribetsu’s steam, the earth will call
- 作詞
Motet Duke
- 作曲
Motet Duke
- プロデューサー
Motet Duke
- プログラミング
Motet Duke
Motet Duke の“Let's Go 北海道”を
ストリーミング / ダウンロード
- 1
Let's Go 日本
Motet Duke
- ⚫︎
Let's Go 北海道
Motet Duke
- 3
Let's Go 青森
Motet Duke
- 4
Let's Go 岩手
Motet Duke
- 5
Let's Go 宮城
Motet Duke
- 6
Let's Go 秋田
Motet Duke
- 7
Let's Go 山形
Motet Duke
- 8
Let's Go 福島
Motet Duke
- 9
Let's Go 茨城
Motet Duke
- 10
Let's Go 栃木
Motet Duke
- 11
Let's Go 群馬
Motet Duke
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Let's Go 埼玉
Motet Duke
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Let's Go 千葉
Motet Duke
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Let's Go 東京
Motet Duke
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Let's Go 神奈川
Motet Duke
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Let's Go 新潟
Motet Duke
- 17
Let's Go 富山
Motet Duke
- 18
Let's Go 石川
Motet Duke
- 19
Let's Go 福井
Motet Duke
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Let's Go 山梨
Motet Duke
- 21
Let's Go 長野
Motet Duke
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Let's Go 岐阜
Motet Duke
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Let's Go 静岡
Motet Duke
- 24
Let's Go 愛知
Motet Duke
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Let's Go 三重
Motet Duke
- 26
Let's Go 滋賀
Motet Duke
- 27
Let's Go 京都
Motet Duke
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Let's Go 大阪
Motet Duke
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Let's Go 兵庫
Motet Duke
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Let's Go 奈良
Motet Duke
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Let's Go 和歌山
Motet Duke
- 32
Let's Go 鳥取
Motet Duke
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Let's Go 島根
Motet Duke
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Let's Go 岡山
Motet Duke
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Let's Go 広島
Motet Duke
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Let's Go 山口
Motet Duke
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Let's Go 徳島
Motet Duke
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Let's Go 香川
Motet Duke
- 39
Let's Go 愛媛
Motet Duke
- 40
Let's Go 高知
Motet Duke
- 41
Let's Go 福岡
Motet Duke
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Let's Go 佐賀
Motet Duke
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Let's Go 長崎
Motet Duke
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Let's Go 熊本
Motet Duke
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Let's Go 大分
Motet Duke
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Let's Go 宮崎
Motet Duke
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Let's Go 鹿児島
Motet Duke
- 48
Let's Go 沖縄
Motet Duke