Zao’s frost, where monsters climb
Yamadera’s stone, through hands of time
Ginzan’s light, the snow will gleam
Mogami’s flow, a drifting dream
Tsuruoka’s path, the shrine will call
Shonai’s fields, the harvest tall
Tendo’s sky, the kites will fly
Mt. Gassan’s peak, where spirits lie
Yonezawa’s gate, the samurai stay
Sakata’s port, the sails will sway
Through Zao’s frost, the giants stand
Carved by ice and winter’s hand
Ginzan’s glow, the lamps will shine
Through the streets of ancient line
Yamagata, where the snow will fall
Through the fields and mountain tall
Yamagata, the winds will sing
Feel the skies, as echoes ring
Feel the calm at Yamadera
Steps of stone, the skies will stir
In Mogami, rivers glide
Softly tracing time’s divide
Shonai’s fields of gold will rise
Harvest light beneath the skies
Tendo’s games will paint the breeze
Through the clouds, the drifting leaves
Yamagata, where the snow will fall
Through the fields and mountain tall
Yamagata, the winds will sing
Feel the skies, as echoes ring
Zao’s frost, where monsters climb
Yamadera’s stone, through hands of time
Ginzan’s light, the snow will gleam
Mogami’s flow, a drifting dream
Tsuruoka’s path, the shrine will call
Shonai’s fields, the harvest tall
Tendo’s sky, the kites will fly
Mt. Gassan’s peak, where spirits lie
Yonezawa’s gate, the samurai stay
Sakata’s port, the sails will sway
- 作詞
Motet Duke
- 作曲
Motet Duke
- プロデューサー
Motet Duke
- プログラミング
Motet Duke
Motet Duke の“Let's Go 山形”を
ストリーミング / ダウンロード
- 1
Let's Go 日本
Motet Duke
- 2
Let's Go 北海道
Motet Duke
- 3
Let's Go 青森
Motet Duke
- 4
Let's Go 岩手
Motet Duke
- 5
Let's Go 宮城
Motet Duke
- 6
Let's Go 秋田
Motet Duke
- ⚫︎
Let's Go 山形
Motet Duke
- 8
Let's Go 福島
Motet Duke
- 9
Let's Go 茨城
Motet Duke
- 10
Let's Go 栃木
Motet Duke
- 11
Let's Go 群馬
Motet Duke
- 12
Let's Go 埼玉
Motet Duke
- 13
Let's Go 千葉
Motet Duke
- 14
Let's Go 東京
Motet Duke
- 15
Let's Go 神奈川
Motet Duke
- 16
Let's Go 新潟
Motet Duke
- 17
Let's Go 富山
Motet Duke
- 18
Let's Go 石川
Motet Duke
- 19
Let's Go 福井
Motet Duke
- 20
Let's Go 山梨
Motet Duke
- 21
Let's Go 長野
Motet Duke
- 22
Let's Go 岐阜
Motet Duke
- 23
Let's Go 静岡
Motet Duke
- 24
Let's Go 愛知
Motet Duke
- 25
Let's Go 三重
Motet Duke
- 26
Let's Go 滋賀
Motet Duke
- 27
Let's Go 京都
Motet Duke
- 28
Let's Go 大阪
Motet Duke
- 29
Let's Go 兵庫
Motet Duke
- 30
Let's Go 奈良
Motet Duke
- 31
Let's Go 和歌山
Motet Duke
- 32
Let's Go 鳥取
Motet Duke
- 33
Let's Go 島根
Motet Duke
- 34
Let's Go 岡山
Motet Duke
- 35
Let's Go 広島
Motet Duke
- 36
Let's Go 山口
Motet Duke
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Let's Go 徳島
Motet Duke
- 38
Let's Go 香川
Motet Duke
- 39
Let's Go 愛媛
Motet Duke
- 40
Let's Go 高知
Motet Duke
- 41
Let's Go 福岡
Motet Duke
- 42
Let's Go 佐賀
Motet Duke
- 43
Let's Go 長崎
Motet Duke
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Let's Go 熊本
Motet Duke
- 45
Let's Go 大分
Motet Duke
- 46
Let's Go 宮崎
Motet Duke
- 47
Let's Go 鹿児島
Motet Duke
- 48
Let's Go 沖縄
Motet Duke