Kairaku’s bloom, the garden wide
Fukuroda’s falls, where waters glide
Kashima’s gate, the spirits stay
Ushiku’s light, at break of day
Mt. Tsukuba’s sky, the peaks will shine
Hitachi’s sea, with endless line
Kasumigaura’s breeze will call
Oarai’s shore, where surges fall
Ryujin’s bridge, the heights will sing
Mito’s pride, where echoes ring
Through Mt. Tsukuba, the sunrise glows
Twin peaks standing in repose
Kairakuen’s soft plum trees
Blossoms dancing in the breeze
Ibaraki, where the rivers gleam
Through the fields and coastal dream
Ibaraki, the winds will call
Feel the light that binds us all
Feel the spray at Fukuroda
Water flows like ancient saga
In Kasumigaura’s sky
Sails drift softly passing by
Kashima’s roar, the shrine will stand
Guarding all across the land
Oarai, where tides will play
Waves of gold at end of day
Ibaraki, where the rivers gleam
Through the fields and coastal dream
Ibaraki, the winds will call
Feel the light that binds us all
Kairaku’s bloom, the garden wide
Fukuroda’s falls, where waters glide
Kashima’s gate, the spirits stay
Ushiku’s light, at break of day
Mt. Tsukuba’s sky, the peaks will shine
Hitachi’s sea, with endless line
Kasumigaura’s breeze will call
Oarai’s shore, where surges fall
Ryujin’s bridge, the heights will sing
Mito’s pride, where echoes ring
- 作詞者
Motet Duke
- 作曲者
Motet Duke
- プロデューサー
Motet Duke
- プログラミング
Motet Duke

Motet Duke の“Let's Go 茨城”を
ストリーミング / ダウンロード
- 1
Let's Go 日本
Motet Duke
- 2
Let's Go 北海道
Motet Duke
- 3
Let's Go 青森
Motet Duke
- 4
Let's Go 岩手
Motet Duke
- 5
Let's Go 宮城
Motet Duke
- 6
Let's Go 秋田
Motet Duke
- 7
Let's Go 山形
Motet Duke
- 8
Let's Go 福島
Motet Duke
- ⚫︎
Let's Go 茨城
Motet Duke
- 10
Let's Go 栃木
Motet Duke
- 11
Let's Go 群馬
Motet Duke
- 12
Let's Go 埼玉
Motet Duke
- 13
Let's Go 千葉
Motet Duke
- 14
Let's Go 東京
Motet Duke
- 15
Let's Go 神奈川
Motet Duke
- 16
Let's Go 新潟
Motet Duke
- 17
Let's Go 富山
Motet Duke
- 18
Let's Go 石川
Motet Duke
- 19
Let's Go 福井
Motet Duke
- 20
Let's Go 山梨
Motet Duke
- 21
Let's Go 長野
Motet Duke
- 22
Let's Go 岐阜
Motet Duke
- 23
Let's Go 静岡
Motet Duke
- 24
Let's Go 愛知
Motet Duke
- 25
Let's Go 三重
Motet Duke
- 26
Let's Go 滋賀
Motet Duke
- 27
Let's Go 京都
Motet Duke
- 28
Let's Go 大阪
Motet Duke
- 29
Let's Go 兵庫
Motet Duke
- 30
Let's Go 奈良
Motet Duke
- 31
Let's Go 和歌山
Motet Duke
- 32
Let's Go 鳥取
Motet Duke
- 33
Let's Go 島根
Motet Duke
- 34
Let's Go 岡山
Motet Duke
- 35
Let's Go 広島
Motet Duke
- 36
Let's Go 山口
Motet Duke
- 37
Let's Go 徳島
Motet Duke
- 38
Let's Go 香川
Motet Duke
- 39
Let's Go 愛媛
Motet Duke
- 40
Let's Go 高知
Motet Duke
- 41
Let's Go 福岡
Motet Duke
- 42
Let's Go 佐賀
Motet Duke
- 43
Let's Go 長崎
Motet Duke
- 44
Let's Go 熊本
Motet Duke
- 45
Let's Go 大分
Motet Duke
- 46
Let's Go 宮崎
Motet Duke
- 47
Let's Go 鹿児島
Motet Duke
- 48
Let's Go 沖縄
Motet Duke