Tateyama peaks, touching the sky
Kurobe’s dam where echoes lie
Ainokura’s roofs, thatched and steep
Amaharashi, waves that sweep
Toyama Bay, with glassy blue
Gokayama’s snow, a mountain view
Unazuki’s steam, the rails hum
Takaoka’s bell softly drums
Matsukawa’s blossoms line the stream
Ikuji’s crab, a winter dream
Through the Tateyama Alpine way
Snow walls tower and guide the day
In Ainokura, time stands still
Gassho houses grace the hill
Kurobe Gorge, the river sings
Steel and stone in nature’s rings
Amaharashi, winds that play
Sea and peaks in bright array
Feel the charm of Takaoka's street
Copper echoes beneath your feet
In Toyama Bay, the fishes shine
Iced with snow, a taste divine
Unazuki steams in autumn’s glow
Through the gorge, red leaves flow
Matsukawa, where petals fly
Dancing gently through the sky
Kurobe Gorge, the river sings
Steel and stone in nature’s rings
Amaharashi, winds that play
Sea and peaks in bright array
Tateyama peaks, touching the sky
Kurobe’s dam where echoes lie
Ainokura’s roofs, thatched and steep
Amaharashi, waves that sweep
Toyama Bay, with glassy blue
Gokayama’s snow, a mountain view
Unazuki’s steam, the rails hum
Takaoka’s bell softly drums
Matsukawa’s blossoms line the stream
Ikuji’s crab, a winter dream
- 作詞者
Motet Duke
- 作曲者
Motet Duke
- プロデューサー
Motet Duke
- プログラミング
Motet Duke

Motet Duke の“Let's Go 富山”を
ストリーミング / ダウンロード
- 1
Let's Go 日本
Motet Duke
- 2
Let's Go 北海道
Motet Duke
- 3
Let's Go 青森
Motet Duke
- 4
Let's Go 岩手
Motet Duke
- 5
Let's Go 宮城
Motet Duke
- 6
Let's Go 秋田
Motet Duke
- 7
Let's Go 山形
Motet Duke
- 8
Let's Go 福島
Motet Duke
- 9
Let's Go 茨城
Motet Duke
- 10
Let's Go 栃木
Motet Duke
- 11
Let's Go 群馬
Motet Duke
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Let's Go 埼玉
Motet Duke
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Let's Go 千葉
Motet Duke
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Let's Go 東京
Motet Duke
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Let's Go 神奈川
Motet Duke
- 16
Let's Go 新潟
Motet Duke
- ⚫︎
Let's Go 富山
Motet Duke
- 18
Let's Go 石川
Motet Duke
- 19
Let's Go 福井
Motet Duke
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Let's Go 山梨
Motet Duke
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Let's Go 長野
Motet Duke
- 22
Let's Go 岐阜
Motet Duke
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Let's Go 静岡
Motet Duke
- 24
Let's Go 愛知
Motet Duke
- 25
Let's Go 三重
Motet Duke
- 26
Let's Go 滋賀
Motet Duke
- 27
Let's Go 京都
Motet Duke
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Let's Go 大阪
Motet Duke
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Let's Go 兵庫
Motet Duke
- 30
Let's Go 奈良
Motet Duke
- 31
Let's Go 和歌山
Motet Duke
- 32
Let's Go 鳥取
Motet Duke
- 33
Let's Go 島根
Motet Duke
- 34
Let's Go 岡山
Motet Duke
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Let's Go 広島
Motet Duke
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Let's Go 山口
Motet Duke
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Let's Go 徳島
Motet Duke
- 38
Let's Go 香川
Motet Duke
- 39
Let's Go 愛媛
Motet Duke
- 40
Let's Go 高知
Motet Duke
- 41
Let's Go 福岡
Motet Duke
- 42
Let's Go 佐賀
Motet Duke
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Let's Go 長崎
Motet Duke
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Let's Go 熊本
Motet Duke
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Let's Go 大分
Motet Duke
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Let's Go 宮崎
Motet Duke
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Let's Go 鹿児島
Motet Duke
- 48
Let's Go 沖縄
Motet Duke