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Rapper "Juster" from Senriyama, Suita City, Osaka Prefecture, has released his new single "Kitto, It's going to be fine feat. Varie" digitally on various distribution sites on 2025/02/19.
The theme of the song is "surely, it will work out" with life-sized lyrics, as the song title suggests, on the sound of producer "5ynaps3", with "Varie", a rapper active mainly in Osaka, as a guest performer.
In the lyrics, 'Only when you finally get up...'
Why do people do that? Again, do-see" and "My first shock was 14teen I'm in a classroom where there's no place for me", he writes about the feelings he has experienced and felt himself. He captivates the hearts of heads with his life-sized lyrics and outstanding sense of melody, aimed not at everyone in the world, but at people just like himself. Rapper 'Varie', a friendly rivalry in the Osaka scene, also takes part as a guest performer, and the song reflects a worldview that only they can portray.
The theme of the song is "It's not going to be okay, but it's going to be fine", so that you can overcome the obstacles in front of you and the end of tomorrow with a smile on your face.
Juster(ジャスター) 2001年大阪府吹田市産まれのRapper。 17歳の頃に某番組のフリースタイルラップバトルの影響を受け、隣町である高槻市で開催されているサイファーに参加。 本格的に楽曲制作を開始したのは2020年頃、緊急事態宣言の影響でフリースタイルラップバトルが静まる中SoundCloudを初めに多くのリスナーに支持される。 そこから作品を作り続け、 2024年にはNEW ALBUM 「Hungry」 をリリースし、自身のスタイルを確立する。 客演にはSUB-K、Draw4、Lo-keyBoiらを迎えプレイヤーやシーンに対する等身大のリリックがテーマ。3月には自身初となるONE MAN LIVEを成功させる。 リリカルなフレーズがリスナーの心を動かす。 彼の進化し続けるラップからは今後も目が離せない。