※ 試聴は反映までに時間がかかる場合があります。
※ 著作権管理事業者等が管理する楽曲は試聴できません。
韓国の新鋭クリエイティブコレクティブプラットフォーム「AXIS」のボーイズクルー「ambitious ambition」から、「elan」のニューシングル「Burning」が到着。楽曲プロデュースには、アレッシア・カーラやLittle Mixを手がけるプロデューサーの「Kuya」と、BTSやLoud Luxury に楽曲提供する「Dyson」を迎えた、夏にふさわしいポップソングに仕上がっている。
"elan" grew up dreaming of being a professional soccer player in the nature of India and Canada. He was casted on the street through multiple coincidental in counters with SINXITY who was YG's creative director during 2015-2016. Then, elan joined YG as a trainee. Afterwards, he debuted as a crew member of "ambitious ambition" with SINXITY's establishment of AXIS in 2018. He was reborn as "elan," DJ artist of AXIS' Original Series "XYZ Project," played by his real ego as actor "Hans." As a DJ, elan’s activities begin in earnest with the release of two debut singles simultaneously on April 17, 2019. elan’s journey begins with the aa crew and with the aim of delivering positive energy and messages to the world.