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Introducing 24emotions, also affectionately known as "Ni-yon," a vibrant Japanese girl group composed of five dynamic individuals. Each member brings to the table a unique emotion, forming the quintet that they assert will "rock the era." They first stepped onto the idol scene in March 2023, following rigorous training since their introduction as potential candidates in September 2022. However, they soon realized that they desired to deviate from the mainstream idol trajectory. Shedding the typical idol persona, they boldly evolved their music and performances to express their distinctive outlook on the world. June 24 marked a milestone for 24emotions as they unveiled their debut digital album, "Time 2 Shine 4 Us," and their third music video, "Miracle Mirror." This was the birth of the new 24, which the world will be sure to take notice of. With their vision set on becoming "the five emotions that will shake the times and conquer Asia," these girls have quickly captured the public's attention. Despite not having a backup from a major agency and an initially small fan base, their YouTube music video amassed over 100,000 views at a pace that defies belief for newcomers. Fueled by this momentum, the group made the exciting decision to hold their first large-scale solo concert and launched their official fan club, known as the "EMOTIONAL MEMBERS." Their aspiration is clear: they want to be the unmatched Japanese girl group that takes the Asian stage by storm. Navigating a challenging journey, 24emotions are on an exhilarating journey, speeding down a path filled with obstacles. We eagerly anticipate the heights these girls will scale and the ground they'll break in their future endeavors. Their story has only just begun.
ダンス&ボーカルアイドルグループ、24emotions(トゥエンティーフォーエモーションズ)通称「にーよん」。 2023年3月にデビュー。EDMサウンドとキャッチーなメロディー、そしてエモーショナルで激しいダンスを特徴とするガールズグループ。 国内に留まらず各国で注目を集め、1stアルバム「Time 2 Shine 4 Us」は、カナダのiTunesStoreでJPOP部門1位獲得。YouTubeでも国外の視聴も多く獲得し、3rd MV'Miracle Mirror'は60万回を超え、4th MV’mia mia’は100万回超えを達成した。 2024年8月26日には池袋harevutaiにて2ndワンマンライブ「24/7 the LIVE」を行い、さらに進化した24emotionsを披露、その熱量をそのままアルバムにした2ndアルバム「24/7」を11月24日に発売。 彼女たちの野望は、日本のガールズグループとして唯一無二の存在になること。
AXY records