Now Staining... Front Cover



1st crack

Every day goes by in a blink of an eye

Toward the place where I wanna be

Sometimes you'll make mistakes

Sometimes you'll be filled with sadness

Sometimes you may have to stop

Everything is always changing

Just like the color of the sky

So do what you can and what you want to do now

Because that is our life

Don't be afraid of changes

Because everything has meaning

What you're thinking in your heart

What you want to say


Shout it from your heart

We're always here for you

This is the sound of the new era

Let's show it here as it is now, with no more lies

  • Lyricist

    1st crack

  • Composer

    1st crack

Now Staining... Front Cover

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Artist Profile

  • 1st crack

    北海道旭川市発4ピースバンド 「1st crack」(ファーストクラック) 90年代のメロディックパンクをルーツに、現代のあらゆる音楽性を取り入れた「ネオメロディック」を追求した新しい音楽性、そして情熱的な歌詞は英詞、日本語詞を問わず聴くものの心を突き刺してゆく。 北海道内に留まらず、関東・関西などでも精力的に活動中。 今までにない、メロディックパンクの道を切り開くバンドが北海道発「1st crack」である。

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