

Love Yourself


I don’t feel, I don’t see it’s all right

I don’t know, I don’t find any way

How do I, what do I do make it

Where to go, when to tell for myself

Do you feel, do you see the way out

It’s not enough, it’s not enough

Now it’s the time to stand on my feet

I feel that life is not about a scores we can measure

Nor seeking to be well for a long time

I come to feel it is not a big deal for a life

Something to keep in mind

Life is not about the time for trying

Nor looking for the place where to stay long

It’s a journey you want to go along, and find out how you can love yourself

Maybe tomorrow

We come to know that

Maybe tomorrow

We come to know that

I don’t feel, I don’t see it’s all right

I don’t know, I don’t find any way

Just let your soul to be free

Nothing stops you now

Do you feel, do you see the way out

It’s enough to be nice to someone

Love yourself and stand on your feet

I feel that life is not about a scores we can measure

Nor seeking to be well for a long time

I come to feel it is not a big deal for a life

Something to keep in mind

Life is not about the time for trying

Nor looking for the place where to stay long

It’s a journey you want to go along, and find out how you can love yourself

Life in my hand

I feel that

  • 作詞


  • 作曲



AIRFLIP の“Love Yourself”を


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これまで交友関係を築き対バンとしてライブを繰り広げてきた、“EGG BRAIN” “SWANKY DANK” “See You Smile”、そしてAIRFLIPとして新しい活動のチャレンジの場として、台湾進出のきっかけとなった”粗大Band”がfeat.アーティストとして参加した渾身のアルバムとなっている。


