untitled Front Cover




The night is long that never finds the day

The Sun is always behind the cloud

As she said it might be so

The Death Death exists as a part of life

The Truth Truth is on the side of oppressed

As she said it might be so

Breath and Run Break loose

They’ll arrest and exploit you again

Again and again

The Death Death exists as a part of life

The night is long that never finds the day

They will arrest you and exploit you again


The Sun is always behind the cloud

The Truth Truth is on the side of oppressed

As she said it might be so

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untitled Front Cover

Listen to Fog by seabirth

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Mixed six personalities of different musical backgrounds created magnificent works like Big Bang and these works have evolved into more vivid sound by producer Makoto Gomi.
The musical composition which changes dramatically always makes you feel the end and invites you to a dramatic ending like the climax of a movie.
Overwhelming deep sound created by heavy fuzz guitar and magnificent synthesizer, and various melodies such a avant-garde trombones and falsetto voice , dynamic thythm are a must-listen for not only shoegaze song fans but also Western music fans.

Artist Profile

  • seabirth

    Tokyo-Based six peace band seabirth combines Alternative, Post Rock, U.K Rock, Ambient, Shoegaze sound and cinematic soundscape.

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