Watcher of the Skyline (English Version 2023)のジャケット写真


Watcher of the Skyline (English Version 2023)


Suddenly a squall begins to fall

I hastily shelter under a palm leaf

The scenery around me sinks deep and the cool wind blows around me

As a blessing from the sky

A thick and thick curtain veil of water hits the sandy beach instantly

And is enveloping all the scenery

Under the same palm tree, it was awkward for me and you

We could not speak a word to each other

Suddenly the sunshine pours down

The rain that was falling so hard has stopped

The rain runs away with the flowing cumulonimbus clouds

Drops were falling from palm leaves

You could see the contrast reviving in the landscape beyond

I am watcher of the skyline

If you look up, you'll see a silhouette

I like the shadow of the city floating in the dazzling blue sky

Finally you smiled and opened your mouth

You muttered that"Why don't you swim?,babe”

The squall just now washed away all the quarrels we had just a little while ago,while ago

Suddenly a big wave comes

It sweeps away my flushed body

I am pulled into the sea, a rainbow-colored fish swim around there

I felt like I was in a dream, time seemed to have stopped

And my heart beat unexpectedly

I am watcher of the skyline

What floats behind you is a silhouette

I see the shadow of the hotel floating in the dazzling blue sky

I want to forever gaze at the line that separates the sky and the city

But I can't talk to anyone about these feelings, not to you or anyone,not to you

Before the night veil descends

I have to quickly resolve this kind of feelings,sadness

The reflection of the setting sun appears on the horizon

Like it pushes me on the shoulder, like it makes me decide

I am watcher of the skyline

What floats beyond you is a silhouette

I like the shadow of the hotel floating in the sky dyed madder in the sunset

In the shade of that palm tree, once again, the two of us, shoulder to shoulder

I want to tell you properly, but I can't quite say "I'm crazy for you.”

I am watcher of the skyline

The line that separates the sky and the city is getting dark and soon I won't be able to see it

Before that happens, I will make a confession to you

  • 作詞

    Mark O.

  • 作曲

    Mark O.

Watcher of the Skyline (English Version 2023)のジャケット写真

m7 の“Watcher of the Skyline (English Version 2023)”を


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    Watcher of the Skyline (English Version 2023)


オリジナル日本語版をより世界中で聞いて欲しいと思い、英語版を作りました。ボーカルはSynthesizer V Studio ProのMaiです。


  • m7

    プログレ・アニメ界の重鎮、安西史孝氏と、RXの雷電湯沢氏とともにOYA?を結成し、プログレッシブ・ロックを追求していたはずのMarkが、 突如POPSに目覚め、m7を結成。 実は学生時代からマニアックなフュージョン・ロック路線と同時に売れ線POPSを追求していた彼は、 かなりロックに振れていた90年代の自身の音楽活動を一旦休止し、長いブランクを経て再びポップの世界に戻ってきたのである。 発表こそしなかったものの、80年代、90年代を通じてコツコツとポップな作品を書きためていた彼。 その作品に新たなアレンジを加えたものと、新たに書き下ろした作品とで構成される1st Mini Album「Shining Star」は、Nanaのハスキーでいてクリアな不思議なボーカルと相まって、独特の世界を作り上げた。そしてその後、その世界は1stフルアルバム「One」、Maxi-Single「In the Blue」の発売によってさらに広がりを増している。



Studio Fool Wood
