...He saw himself in the mirror that was in an unfamiliar room
"What awful things on the bottom of my mind !
Are they similar to snickering devils ?"
So he wished for them to be hidden ,for his great fright and shames
He was paralyzed and forced not to look away from them inside the mirror
"What a failure !
...I must be a failure as a creation of gods in the heaven
...How humid it is !"
In the uncomfortable room he could only stand all the time
Someone threw a fire and the temple was being burned in the night
At the same time he was born
So the greatest secrets in the temple were lost
And he could never know the secrets at all
He eventually was crowned a great king of countries
But could never know the secrets lost forever
He was never satisfied ,although he invaded and occupied broader lands
"I am the greatest ,aren't I !
But why can't I know them being hidden from me ? "
Leading his army ,his irritation was growing and growing as if dying of thirst
One day ,riding on a horse alone through black forests in frustration
He felt he became too old and wanted to cry in a chill wind
"My life is like a nightmare
Involving numbers of people in harsh lives
Being faced with death ,who can forgive and lead me to heavens ? "
Not being able to put down an uprising aginst him
His palace was burned in the rebellion after all
Escaping into a small basement
He then found a strange mirror with ashes and dusts
At last he realized it might lead to the secrets
That he had desired for his whole life
Completely forgetting his countries destroyed ,he was looking inside the mirror
...But there was something ugly and evil
...He was too disappointed to cry
...Being reminded of punishment of gods ,he could only stand all the time
...He was surely unfortunate being closed from the secrets
But his acts in life were cruel and egoistic
So in the very distant future
He would become fool,ugly and cowardly enough to be ignored by everyone
...This was what he had realized after a long time
In front of the old strange mirror with ashes and dusts
...However God must be going to forgive him ,who had been the great king...someday
- 作詞
Der Wurm Blumchen
- 作曲
Der Wurm Blumchen
Der Wurm Blumchen の“as if dying of thirst (feat. IA) [the second draft]”を
ストリーミング / ダウンロード
- ⚫︎
as if dying of thirst (feat. IA) [the second draft]
Der Wurm Blumchen
- 2
Step by Step (feat. IA)
Der Wurm Blumchen
- 3
a white heron barks (feat. IA)
Der Wurm Blumchen
- 4
my little joy (feat. IA)
Der Wurm Blumchen
- 5
Sunflower (feat. IA)
Der Wurm Blumchen
- 6
Der Wurm Blumchen
- 7
Outside the room (feat. IA)
Der Wurm Blumchen
ヴァーチャルシンガーIA(IA CeVIO AI)が歌い上げる・・・
・・・制作に1年3ヶ月間をかけたDer Wurm Blumchenによる3rd.ボカロアルバムは1st.、2nd.アルバムとは異なるそんな新たな境地に・・・
Der Wurm Blumchen
20代前半から独学で作曲を始め”まっぷー”名義で同人ゲーム等BGMの作曲依頼を受ける。2004年以降5年間に複数の同人サークルに計150曲以上のBGMを提供。また龍谷大学よさこいサークル”華舞龍”の演舞曲を華舞龍メンバーと共同で製作。 2012年以降DTMでの作曲活動を休止し打ち込みから離れて自らがパフォーマーとして表現することを試みるが指の故障等で挫折。同時に20世紀のクラシックに目覚めクラシック鑑賞が日常的に、本物の音楽を日々吸収する毎日を。 それらの活動を通して得た経験を元に2016年、新たにボカロPとして独自の世界の表現を目指してDTMによる作曲活動を再開。 2020年よりIA English CeVIOを用いた英語歌詞による作品の制作も。
Der Wurm Blumchenの他のリリース