Only Monologue Availableのジャケット写真



Der Wurm Blumchen

She appears as the very soul of bravery

Facing her ,I am feeling a little dizzy

Cause of expecting to fight from now on

So I am forced to pray God for my win

As if Goddess of War ,she's dancing and singing

Too beautiful and sacred to get closer

"Ask and it will be given to you."

I have not been able to believe this sentence

If weren't brave enough ,nothing works out

Is she the gate for Hell or Heaven for me?

Her singing voice has an anger toward absurdity

Her dancing figure has sadness toward sufferers

Though that may not be the way to happiness

I want her who's dancing as if knocking all down

That's because everything around the world might never work out now

She goes well with a red dress attracting us

As if raging flames of her passion were sprouting

Her shape has her high bravery and deep sadness

That might not allow me to keep my peace

Her glance is given to the air with compassion

As the tension of her performance is rising up

As if Goddess of War were falling on the earth

In which pathetic sheep in chaotic are living

I am one of the pathetic sheep,too

But I want myself to join her severe fight with my honor

Sudden thunder and lightning are roaring

As if gods were raging against injustices

Her singing voice has an anger toward absurdity

Her dancing figure has sadness toward sufferers

Though I am required to face the difficulties

I want her who's singing as if struggling alone

That's because everything around the world might be falling to an abyss

She appears as if Goddess of War

Facing her ,I am getting a little scared

Cause of expecting to fight from now on

So I am forced to pray God to give me bravery

  • 作詞

    Der Wurm Blumchen

  • 作曲

    Der Wurm Blumchen

Only Monologue Availableのジャケット写真

Der Wurm Blumchen の“GODDESS OF WAR (feat. IA)”を


ストリーミング / ダウンロード

ヴァーチャルシンガーIA(IA CeVIO AI)が歌い上げる・・・

・・・制作に1年3ヶ月間をかけたDer Wurm Blumchenによる3rd.ボカロアルバムは1st.、2nd.アルバムとは異なるそんな新たな境地に・・・

