Battle Dome Front Cover


Battle Dome


Oh.oh oh.oh

I know that life what you chose

Aint no room for me and you

God knows what We're gonna die

If we ain't no be high

Be first

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Battle Dome Front Cover

Listen to Battle Dome by SEQUOiA

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    Battle Dome


Artist Profile


    SEQUOiA is a three piece band from TOKYO city formed by DRUMS, BASS, GUITAR, and SYNTHESIZER pursueing fresh & authenticated groove mixed with lots of essenssial elements as jazz-beat, post rock, fusion, and a little bit of cholare. Nevertheless, these chorus parts are recognized as INSTURUMENTS. A combination of elements mentioned above produces power and releases the life of human being ourselves. Each person have different receptive minds, so that trusting to reach their minds from all over the world thruogh our expression makes NATURE wealthy.

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