静寂を破り 街を駆け抜けろ 誰一人いない 夜明け前の街
闇を駆け抜けて 光を求めて 暗い夜の街 突き抜けて行こう
仕事終わりに 食事を済ませ いつものように 一人で過ごす
スマホを眺め 退屈つぶし いつもそうだが 息が詰まるね
思い出す たまらなく 寝苦しい 暑い夜
狂おしく 咲き誇る 原色の 赤い華よ
夜が明ける頃 辿り着いたのは 朝日が眩しい 海の見える丘
この海の向こう 遥か彼方には いつも思い出す 懐かしい香り
都会と違い 何も無くても 顔を合わせば 笑顔が溢れ
昨日と同じ 明日が来ると 今日も思える そんな日常
思い出す たまらなく 懐かしい あの朝日
狂おしく 咲き誇る 原色の 赤い華よ
光が 渦巻き 揺らめく 陽炎
賑わう 市場の カオスな 喧噪
思い出す たまらなく 眩しくて 暑い午後
狂おしく 咲き誇る 原色の 赤い華よ
- Lyricist
early bird institute
- Composer
early bird institute
- Producer
early bird institute
- Recording Engineer
early bird institute
- Mixing Engineer
early bird institute
- Mastering Engineer
early bird institute
- Graphic Design
early bird institute
- Synthesizer
early bird institute
- Vocals
early bird institute

Listen to Kagero by early bird institute
Streaming / Download
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early bird institute
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Starry Sky
early bird institute
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early bird institute
This album is my sixth album: my fifth album 'Eggs Beans Insects' had Miku Hatsune doing all the vocals, and this album 'E.B.I. III' is my version of that. In terms of creative work, it is the third season: the third album. The title 'Eggs Beans Insects' is a combination of words starting with the artist's name abbreviation E.B.I. I tried to be conscious of something like a primitive emotion. it's simpler than the first and second albums.
Artist Profile
early bird institute
He has had a deep interest in computer music since his student days and has been familiar with it since the days of progressive rock. As a programmer, he has been working with machines for many years and has studied the hot beats of club DJs. Enjoy the music of HJ Early Bird Institute.
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