Time after time (feat. Ken) Front Cover


Time after time (feat. Ken)


笑い合える友達が いれば生きて 行けるよと

笑うお前の横顔に 時代の影が 映ってた

守り通した年月と 捨ててしまった 瞬間と

たった一度の人生に 何を求めて 生きるのか

Time after time いつまでも Time after time どこまでも

本当の心と 裏腹に 生きてくなんて無理だよと

呟くおまえの瞳には 何が映って いたんだろう

傷つけ合って 暮らすのも 励まし合って 生きるのも

ほんの小さな 事柄が それから後を 決めるのさ

Time after time いつまでも Time after time どこまでも

Time after time いつまでも Time after time どこまでも

Time after time いつまでも Time after time どこまでも

  • Lyricist


  • Composer


Time after time (feat. Ken) Front Cover

Listen to Time after time (feat. Ken) by Ichihiko

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    Time after time (feat. Ken)


Artist Profile

  • Ichihiko

    Hello, I'm Ichihiko. I'm a veteran musician with over 50 years of experience playing guitar and performing in bands, as well as more than 30 years of experience in DTM (DeskTop Music production). However, as a Vocaloid producer, I'm still a newcomer. The photo I use for my album covers and other materials was taken back when I first started playing in a band (during my junior high school days), so it is completely different from my current self (sorry...). Even as I grew older, I continued to gather at studios with friends from my high school and college days to jam and occasionally hold private live performances. However, due to the pandemic, these activities became difficult. During that time, I met Vocaloid Ken for the first time, and I was completely captivated by his powerful and expressive voice. Most of the songs I wrote and composed were from around my late 20s to early 30s, and I had performed them with my band before. But the idea of programming my compositions into DTM and having Ken sing them excited me, which led me to start this project. Since I have a separate occupation, I can only work on my music little by little on my days off, and at my current pace, I can produce several songs per year at most. Nevertheless, I plan to continue steadily and persistently. The concept of the sound is a "simple band sound." It may feel somewhat modest to those accustomed to dense, immersive audio experiences, but I hope you will enjoy its nostalgic and rustic charm.

    Artist page

  • Ken
