Hey you wake up
Get up and look at the world
We should raise our just say
There is only not a one way
We dust locked to in wrack room
That's full of deception the picture
Fear of planting and lost the culture
An enemy with in yourself
Hack it, cut the cord hack it, cut the cord
〈Needs destruction〉
Already let you countdown
〈It's for creation〉
Entail growing pains
〈We must take action〉
The noisy things set you shutdown
We just do it, right now
It's just woh oh get down
It's just get down
It's just get down
It's just woh oh get down
It's just get down
It's like a bomb bomb bomb
That's like running at high way
And time has come to pay
It's not about making an ark new ,back to all
Everything is full of love, and tomorrow is brighter and higher
Time lost cannot be recalled
Let it go, let it go go
〈Needs destruction〉
Already let you countdown
〈It's for creation〉
Entail growing pains
〈We must take action〉
The noisy things set you shutdown
We just do it, ban ban ban ban!
It's just woh oh get down
It's just get down
It's just get down
It's just woh oh get down
It's just get down
It's like a bomb bomb bomb
It's just woh oh get down
It's just get down
It's just get down
It's just woh oh get down
It's just get down
It's like a bomb bomb, bomb bomb bomb bomb
Woh oh get down
It's just get down
It's just get down
It's just woh oh get down
It's just get down
It's like a bomb bomb bomb
- 作詞
- 作曲
- プロデューサー
- レコーディングエンジニア
- ミキシングエンジニア
- マスタリングエンジニア
- グラフィックデザイン
- ギター
- プログラミング
Baby Cruise Music Label の“OMEGA”を
ストリーミング / ダウンロード
- ⚫︎
Baby Cruise Music Label
しかし 、”時間と空間”が無くなるとその限りが無くなり、全てのものは完成する。
Baby Cruise Music Labelの【究極】のエネルギーが今、解き放たれる。
Baby Cruise Music Label
日本のサウンドクリエイター岡田健吾による音楽レーベル。 楽曲毎に才気煥発のメンバーを選出し楽曲コンセプトを最大限発揮。 海外のサイト「ROADIE METAL」や「SPEED ON THE BEAT」にて高い音楽性や時代性が賞賛掲載される。 ハードロックからR&Bまで多岐に渡る幅広くワールドワイドな音楽性から繰り出される魂を鼓舞させる強いメッセージ性が魅力となっている。
Baby Cruise Music Labelの他のリリース
Baby Cruise Music Label