

※ 試聴は反映までに時間がかかる場合があります。
※ 著作権管理事業者等が管理する楽曲は試聴できません。

ヨーロッパを中心にパフォーマンスを続けるmidori hiranoの今作は、ファースト・アルバム『LushRush』と比較し電子音の駆使やフィールド・レコーディングによる要素が増え、生楽器の立ち位置も即興的であり躍動感にあふれた別の顔を見せている。彼女自身のヴォーカルを含む楽曲も増え、古いヨーロッパの寓話のような暗示的な歌詞は、どこか思慮深げな彼女の歌声によって厳かに歌い語られ、リスナーに届けられる。深いストイシズムと独特な美意識で貫かれたmidori hirano の音の迷宮へようこそ。



iTunes Store • エレクトロニック トップアルバム • ドイツ • 14位 • 2020年1月26日

Cells That Smell Sounds

iTunes Store • エレクトロニック トップソング • ロシア • 76位 • 2019年10月17日


  • midori hirano

    MimiCof a.k.a. midori hirano is a Japanese musician, composer, sound artist and producer, born in Kyoto and now based in Berlin, stems across a diverse range of genres and cultures. At the age of five Midori started learning the piano and this trigged what was to later see her study classical piano at university. Therefore her productions are based around the use of traditional instrumentation such as the piano or strings, but yet her works are so diverse and eclectic mixture of modern digital sounds with subtle electronic processing or field recordings. For her itʼs not about creating music in its traditional forms or cliché, but about playing, mixing and finding new ways of presenting music. She has released two albums "LushRush"(2006) and "klo:yuri"(2008) as midori hirano from MIDI Creative/noble. Her second, "klo:yuri", saw her further develop her sound, garnering critical acclaim from various medias of the world including TIME magazine , BBC radio, and FACT Magazine and such. In addition to her primary project as midori hirano which is based on acoustic instrumentation drawing melodic shapes and harmonies, she is doing another music project under the name of MimiCof focusing on electronics and beat production center which extends her range of music. As MimiCof moniker, she has released two albums "RundSkipper"(2011) and "KotoLyra"(2012) from PROGRESSIVE FOrM.


    midori hiranoの他のリリース
