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"sayonaramiochan" lives in Sapporo, Hokkaido. Calling themselves an "all-round entertainment group," they have performed live for American soldiers at US military bases, walked on electric steel beams, played mahjong for which they bet their own blood, and overcame many other life-or-death struggles, eventually arriving at their current lineup in 2021. On October 5, 2022, they will physically release their first full album, "And to the Second," at CD stores nationwide. Then, in December 2024, they will digitally release "Yayoi's un Perfect Life Class" through EVOL RECORDS.

2024 was a year of seeing and absorbing many things. It was a year of seeing live performances that I had never seen before, music that I had never heard before, cheers that I had never heard before, and many things that had never happened to my "life" before.
Sometimes things went well, but many things didn't go well at all, and I started spending my days asking myself questions over and over like a subculture bandman, and I started thinking too much and it became difficult to put it into a song. Once I wrote down all the things I like/want to do, bands, comedy, and old internet culture were left, and I mixed up what I like and my "life" that isn't going well, and it became a short tune of 1:48. When I wrote this song, I packed all the vague feelings inside me into it.
I'm glad I was able to write this song. Now, in order to make my "life" perfect, I'm going to study at the unperfect life class I opened in my head.
[Yayoi's un Perfect Life Class song commentary] (Text: Hino Yayoi)

Latest Playlist In

Yayoi's un Perfect Life Class

Apple Music • New in Rock

Past Playlist In

Yayoi's un Perfect Life Class

Spotify • New Music Everyday - tuneTracks (curated by TuneCore Japan) • 14 Dec 2024

Artist Profile

  • sayonaramiochan

    北海道札幌市在住、全方位型エンターテイメント集団「さよならミオちゃん」。と にかくライブの熱量が凄いともっぱらの評判。自分たちでもそう思う節がある。 2014年夏、札幌で結成。「全方位型エンターテイメント集団」と名乗り、米軍基 地で米兵相手にライブを重ね、電流鉄骨渡り、自らの血液を賭けた麻雀など数多 の死闘を乗り越え現編成に至る。 2015年より活動を道外に広げ、「見放題」「TOKYO CALLING」などのサーキットフェスに出演。demo音源を3枚出し、各500枚程を手売りで完売。2018年から は活動のスピードを上げ、「BAYCAMP2018」「BAYCAMP2019」などの各地フェスや「FM NORTH WAVE & WESS presents IMPACT!XIII」「下北沢SOUND CRUSING」などのサーキットイベントに出演。 2021年に現在のメンバー体制となり、本格的に始動。2022年10月5日にキャリア初のフルアルバム「そしてセカンドへ」を各CDショップでリリース。2023年には「BAYCAMP2023」「TOKYO CALLING2023」に出演。12月には札幌VyPass.にてカップル入場料100万円のクリスマス・イヴワンマンライブを行う。

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