


Avoid Silence.

Let's go

This music is like a drug

It's stuck in my head

And super fly then world

Never have I seen such a drug

This is better than Flakka and MDMA

Have you been feeling better?

How you feeling?

But are you ok?

This drug is hazardous

At this rate, You will crocked up

Hallucinations spreading before your eyes

This is danger than shot

You need to obey dosage

Otherwise, You will become a con

Run so Avoid the end

I was escape like crazy

Everyone alright?

I'm scary still

I feel I want flee

Run so Avoid the end

I am dead beat cuz tag

Yeah, You too right?

Let's get it over with

Right now

I thought I can get away

I hate all of them cuz they are thick head

They are hypocrite but judge me now

It's coming up

Run so Avoid the end

I was escape like crazy

Everyone alright?

So tired

Run so Avoid the end

I'm dead beat cuz tag

Yeah, You too right?

I just want you to know

Run so Avoid the end

I was escape like crazy

Everyone alright?

I'm scary still

I feel I want flee

Run so Avoid the end

I'm dead beat cuz tag

You too right?

Let's get it over with

Right now

So right now

  • 作詞


  • 作曲



Avoid Silence. の“LIKE THAT REQUIEM”を


ストリーミング / ダウンロード

Avoid Silence. 1st EP「F'A'T'E」


  • Avoid Silence.

    神戸発メタルコアバンド、我々Avoid Silence.は結成から5年、関西での地ならしを経て、現在東京にて精力的に活動しております。 クリーンとシャウトが交錯するツインボーカルならではのメロディとグルーヴィなブレイクダウンに定評があります。 2/14には新宿ANTIKNOCKにて自主企画を開催。これからのシーンを更に盛り上げられるよう取り組んでおります。


    Avoid Silence.の他のリリース