


Avoid Silence.

You said

"I don't wanna hear the songs you made cuz you are sucks"

You said

"You must be living in your own little world"

OK OK. but, I don't care

I don't give a shit

Just fuck off

I never thought you were good

Cuz of you

Do you understand?


You are so fool

You should go to the hell

I don't care

I never thought you were good

Cuz of you

Do you understand?


You are so fool

You should go to the hell

I don't care

You are face is like a bug and

You seem like the clever snake

But you are just maggot!

I will burn you are ugly face!

We have the same thing

Boring and you're up yourself

That is none of your business

Leave me alone

I'm frustrated

We will get pain

Shut up and break the game

Turn up and ghost. hear my loud?

I'm clueless, tell me how

(We won't know)

We don't know. but, I give you all my heart

We are suffering in the dark

Let's play this game with us

You are a ugly “chicken”

Go fuck yourself

I'm in a bad mood

Frustration caused by you

You are a ugly “chicken”

Go fuck yourself

I'm in a bad mood

Frustration caused by you

You are "N"othing

Just you're "O"bjection

And just "P"aradox

I hate you in the "E"nd

We will get pain

Shut up and break the game

Turn up and ghost. hear my loud?

I'm clueless, tell me how

(We won't know)

We don't know. but, I give you all my heart

We are suffering in the dark

Let's play this game with us

I'll take it all

Whatever you want

You insulted me by my life

I'll give you, perfect MISERY

  • 作詞


  • 作曲



Avoid Silence. の“N-O-P-E”を


ストリーミング / ダウンロード

Avoid Silence. 1st EP「F'A'T'E」


  • Avoid Silence.

    神戸発メタルコアバンド、我々Avoid Silence.は結成から5年、関西での地ならしを経て、現在東京にて精力的に活動しております。 クリーンとシャウトが交錯するツインボーカルならではのメロディとグルーヴィなブレイクダウンに定評があります。 2/14には新宿ANTIKNOCKにて自主企画を開催。これからのシーンを更に盛り上げられるよう取り組んでおります。


    Avoid Silence.の他のリリース